
  • Contents



This action is used to disposition the current Dialer call.  The details of the disposition will be determined by the attributes that are specified. Once this action has been initiated, no further changes can be made to the Dialer attributes. All element data is written to the server. If an update occurs to an element after this action, the update will be lost. This action does not disconnect the call after it has been dispositioned. You must use a separate action to disconnect the call.

Scripter will recognize click events from any HTML element whose name has an associated action documented in this API (e.g.: "IS_Action_CallComplete").  If the script needs to associate several buttons with the same action, then define the action using a meta element and call the click event on the meta element from the button(s).


The IS_Action_CallComplete element has the following attributes:


The wrap up code to be used for the disposition. This should be the full wrap up code e.g. Busy – Remote Busy.


The optional Abandoned attribute indicates even though the outbound call achieved call connect and routed to an Agent, the Dialer should consider it abandoned from a pacing, compliance and reporting perspective. The default value of this attribute is VARIANT_FALSE.


When the scheduled party is called again, the call will be routed to the Agent identified by this call ID. If AgentId is not specified the call will be routed to any available agent.


Date and time that the targeted individual requests the agent to reschedule the campaign call. Typically, the date is entered in mm/dd/yy format and the time is entered in hh/mm AM/PM format (E.g. CallBackTime = 02/01/99 06:30 PM)

To specify a DATETIME format, set the CallBackTime attibute to a quoted text string, such as "8/12/2000 4:14 pm". This string must be normalized for your locale.

You can avoid the need to set CallBackTime to a DATETIME, by setting hour, minute, ampm, day, month, and year attributes instead. These optional attributes make it easier to set time formats, especially when the time format must be localized to a format other than US standard.

The HTML attributes below allow the script to set individual time values for the scheduled callback. These are Minute, Hour, Day, Month, Year, and AMPM. If CallBackTime is not used, each of the preceding attributes must be used.


Year when callback will performed.


Month when callback will performed.


Day of month when callback will be performed.


Hour when callback will be performed.


Minute when callback will be performed.


Optionally specifies AM or PM to indicate time of day. If this attribute is not specified, than a 24-hour format is assumed for Hour.


This Boolean indicates whether the user should be put into "Additional Follow Up" status, in support of a feature that allows an agent to dial additional calls while in that status. Setting this parameter True puts the agent in "Additional Follow Up" status, so that the agent can dial other contacts.


The callback property ensures that this action executes asynchronously in Interaction Connect. Starting with 2018 R3, all Interaction Scripter actions (IS_Actions) provide a callback property for use in Connect scripts only. In the example below, statements inside the highlighted callback function block execute only after the action completes. The callback will return an error if the action fails. See Writing custom scripts for Interaction Connect or Scripter .NET.

Here's how to use the .callback property in a script for Interaction Connect:

function IS_Action_CallComplete(){
  IS_Action_CallComplete.wrapupcode = 'Scheduled';
  IS_Action_CallComplete.callbacktime = when;
  IS_Action_CallComplete.abandoned = false;
  IS_Action_CallComplete.callback = function(error) {
    if (error) {
      console.error("IS_Action_CallComplete failed.");
    } else {
      console.log("IS_Action_CallComplete succeeded.");

Example 1

This example dispositions a call with a wrap-up code and then disconnects the call.

    <meta name="IS_Action_CallComplete">
    <meta name="IS_Action_Disconnect">
    <script language=”javascript”>
        function EndCall(WrapUpCode) {
            IS_Action_CallComplete.wrapupcode = WrapUpCode;
<body>     <input type=”button” value="Call Successful" onclick= EndCall (‘Success’)”> </body>

Example 2

In this example, a "Remove from Call List" button invokes the call completed action.The WrapUpCode attribute is populated with an appropriate value before the call is dispositioned.

    <meta name="IS_Action_CallComplete">
    <script language=”javascript”>
        function RemoveFromList(WrapUpCode) {
            IS_Action_CallComplete.wrapupcode = WrapUpCode;
<body>     <input type=”button” value="Remove from Call List" onclick=”RemoveFromList(‘Deleted - Do Not Call’)”> </body>

Example 3

This example demonstrates how to specify a callback time using the CallBackTime attribute:

    <meta name="IS_Action_CallComplete">
    <script language="javascript">
        function ScheduleCallback(when) {
            IS_Action_CallComplete.wrapupcode = 'Scheduled';
            IS_Action_CallComplete.callbacktime = when;
            IS_Action_CallComplete.abandoned = false;

    <body>         <input type=”button” value="Call Back" onclick="ScheduleCallback(‘03/15/2017 15:30’);">     </body>