
  • Contents

ACD Statistics (Interaction)

This ACD tool returns statistics for reporting on ACD interactions.


Call Identifier

The identifier for the call on which to gather statistics.


Acd Queue containing this call

The scoped workgroup queue name for the workgroup containing the call.

Estimated wait time

An estimate of the amount of time (in seconds) that a call will wait before being connected to an agent. This wait time is calculated using the average wait time and subtracting the amount of time that the call has been on the queue. Average wait time is calculated by adding the total wait time for all calls answered in a given period (the previous 30 minutes) and dividing that total by the number of calls answered in that period. A negative value is returned if the average wait time statistics are not available (due to insufficient observations in the sampling period) or if the call has already waited longer than the estimated wait time.

Estimated position in queue

The number of calls ahead of this call. -1 means this call is currently assigned, 1 means this call will be answered next, 2 means this is the second call to be answered, and so on.

Number of Agents Logged In

The number of agents (whose skills match the call’s requirements) currently logged into this queue.

Number of Agents Available

The number of agents whose skills match the call’s requirements and who are 100% available to take calls.

Note: If an agent is on any interaction (regardless of utilization), he or she will show as unavailable.

Number of Agents on Calls

The number of agents (whose skills match the call’s requirements) currently connected to a call.

Number of Agents in Follow Up

The number of agents (whose skills match the call’s requirements) whose status is set to a Follup Up status.

Longest Time an Agent has been Available

The longest time (in seconds) that an agent has been available. This is calculated for all logged-in agents, regardless of skills.

Number of calls waiting assignment

The number of calls in this queue waiting to be assigned to an available agent.

Number of Connected Calls

The number of calls currently connected to an agent.

Longest Wait Time for a Call

The amount time (in seconds) that the longest waiting call has been waiting.

Average Wait Time for Connected Calls

The average wait time (in seconds) for connected calls.

Average Wait Time for Abandoned Calls

The average wait time (in seconds) for calls that disconnected before connecting.

Average Duration of Connected Calls

The average time (in seconds) that all connected calls have been connected.

Average Follow Up Time for Connected Calls

The average follow up time (in seconds) for calls that were connected to an agent.

Denominator for Average Wait Time

The number of calls used to calculate the average wait time.

Denominator for Average Abandon Time

The number of calls used to calculate the average abandon time.

Denominator for Average Duration

The number of calls used to calculate the average duration.

Denominator for Average Follow Up Time

The number of calls used to calculate the average follow up time.

Exit Paths


This tool takes the Success exit path if the call ID is valid and the tool encountered no errors.


This step always takes the Failure exit path if the call ID is no longer valid, if there is a catastrophic problem on the CIC Server,