
  • Contents

Create Interaction

This Web Interaction tool creates a chat or callback interaction from the system to an internal user.


Interaction Type

The type of interaction being created. Valid options are "chat" or "callback."

Address Queue Identifier

The fully qualified name of the queue that the interaction will be placed on. For example, "User Queue:markm" or "Workgroup Queue:Marketing."

List of Attribute Names to Set

A list of strings containing the names of attributes to be set for this interaction.

List of Attribute Values to Set

A list of strings containing the values of the attributes to be set for this interaction. This list is parallel to the list of names. For example, if the "List of Attribute Names to Set" parameter contains three attribute names, then this parameter should contain three values; the first value will be assigned to the first name, the second value to the second name, and the third value to the third name.


Interaction Id

The unique identifier for the newly created web interaction.

Exit Paths


This path is taken if the interaction is successfully created.


This path is taken if the operation fails.