
  • Contents

Get Key

This Telephony tool step accepts a single key from a telephone keypad as input from a user and assigns that key as the value of the output variable. If you need to collect more than one key from a caller for a given operation, such as for a last name lookup, use Extended Get Key. If the user presses an escape key, the escape key pressed is assigned as the value of the output variable.

The value written to the output variable (the keys a caller presses) replaces any previously existing value.


Call Identifier

The unique identifier for a call the key input comes from.

Valid Keys

Keys that are allowed as input. You can change the valid keys using the Expression Editor Assistant.

Escape Keys

The key a user can press to exit this step along the Escape exit path. You can leave this parameter empty, or have multiple escape keys. This step immediately stops waiting for key input when an escape key is pressed. You can change the escape key(s) using the Expression Editor Assistant.


The maximum number of seconds this step waits before taking the Escape exit. The value of this parameter is set to 600 seconds (10 minutes) by default. Setting the Timeout to 0 or a negative number causes this tool to wait indefinitely. Specifying any value greater than 600 results in the default of 600 seconds.

Suppress logging of the input digits

Set this to True if you do not want the input digits to be recorded in the trace file. This should be done if the digits being entered are security-related digits, such as PINs or passwords.



The variable that holds the caller’s key input.

Exit Paths


If this step executes successfully, it exits through the Success exit path and the key pressed by the user is assigned to the output variable.


If the user enters an Escape key, it exits through the Escape exit path and the escape key pressed by the user is assigned to the output variable. This tool also takes the Escape exit path if the Timeout value expires.


This tool can take the Failure exit path for several reasons. Failure can occur if the call disconnects, if the call is picked up by a user (and is no longer under the control of the handler), the call ID is no longer valid (if the call is deallocated), or system resource limitation.