
  • Contents

Get Station Info

This Telephony tool returns True or False to indicate if the SIP (i.e., Polycom) phone station queue has shared line appearances.


Station Queue Identifier

The station queue name.  For example:  "Station Queue: KevinKSIP"  This applies only to Polycom phone stations.


Does station support Shared Line Appearances?

The default is “HasSharedAppearances,” which is a boolean variable.

It is set to True if the station has shared appearances and false otherwise.

Exit paths


If it succeeds in determining if the station does or does not have shared line appearances.


If it can not find the station queue identifier by the given name.

If the system detects an Invalid API Version (e.g., if the tool DLL is not the right version for the system)

If there is a timeout communicating with Telephony Services via Notifier (e.g, the system is bogged down)

If the station is Not Active