
  • Contents

Email in PureConnect for Salesforce

Requirements: To work with email messages, you or the workstation you select when you log on need an ACD Access License associated with the Email interaction type. To pick-up and read ACD-routed email messages, you must belong to a workgroup configured in Interaction Administrator to receive email messages. To reply to an email message and create an outbound email interaction, you also need the View User Queues or Modify User Queues right to your own user queue. You also must be a member of a workgroup configured with an outbound email mailbox.  If you have any questions about licensing and workgroup configuration, see your CIC administrator.

You can use PureConnect for Salesforce to read and respond to ACD-routed email messages.

  • ACD-routed email message

    An ACD-routed email message is sent to a mailbox associated with a workgroup. This message is then routed to the workgroup members as an interaction. Like any other interaction, an ACD-routed email message can be included in Customer Interaction Center reports and statistics. You can pick up an ACD-routed email message from the Interactions view.

    Note: An email message sent to your work email address appears in your email program Inbox as usual.

  • Reply to an ACD-routed email message

    A reply to an ACD-routed email message is an interaction that is processed and sent from PureConnect for Salesforce. Like any other interaction, these email message replies can be included in CIC reports and statistics.