
  • Contents

Add skills-based routing for the Salesforce Object Routing Connector

The connector can route messages with designated required skills (for example, language or product knowledge). Agents in the workgroup who have the skills then receive these messages.

Note: Interactions route to agents with the designated skill regardless of proficiency or desire to use.

To set up skills-based routing:

  1. Ensure that at a minimum your managed package is version 1.7.

  2. Ensure that your handler is the latest version.

  3. Check that the skills you want to use to route messages are set and assigned to users in Interaction Administrator.

  4. Set the custom case field (ObjectRouting__Skills__c) in Salesforce during case creation. You can set the custom case field through the Salesforce API, through a before insert Salesforce trigger, or through other means. When setting field values:

    • Match the skill names used in Interaction Administrator.

    • Do not begin names with spaces.

    • Separate multiple skills with semicolons. Do not use the pipe | delimiter.

    • Limit skill names (including semicolons) to a total of 255 characters.