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Configuring settings

The Interaction Feedback container is in Interaction Administrator under System Configuration.

To configure Interaction Feedback settings, select the Interaction Feedback container, and in the configuration pane on the right, double-click Configuration. The Interaction Feedback Configuration dialog is displayed.


On the Interaction Feedback Settings page, configure the following settings.

Prompts Path

Type the path from which the survey prompts are loaded. The default value for the prompts is C:\I3\IC\Resources\SurveyPrompts, when the IC Installation path is C:\I3\IC.

Recordings Path

Type the path where the recorded surveys are stored. This is where free-form survey answers are stored. The default value for the recordings is C:\I3\IC\Resources\SurveyRecordings or the recorder recordings directory if configured, when the IC Installation path is C:\I3\IC.

Audio Compression

Select the Audio Compression format to use when compressing survey recordings. The values are: audio/PCMU, audio/PCMA, audio/GSM, audio/x-truespeech, and audio/G726-32. The default value is audio/x-truespeech.