
  • Contents

Gmail (Google Apps for Work)

Gmail, part of Google Apps for Work, is a web-based hosted email application offering message threading, message labels, message search, and spam filtering. Integration of CIC with Gmail is compliant with SMTP/IMAP protocols and uses two-legged OAuth for authentication.

Starting with CIC 2015 R2, the integration of CIC with Gmail:

  • Supports OAuth 2.0

  • Is a separate selection in the Interaction Administrator Mail Provider, no longer configured via SMTP/IMAP services

Both new and existing CIC installations using Gmail must follow these procedures to configure Gmail in CIC 2015 R2 and later:

  • Re-run IC Setup Assistant (existing CIC installations only)

  • Create a Google Project and Service Account
    You will generate a .json file needed when configuring mail in Interaction Administrator

  • Configure the Google Domain

  • Configure Mail in Interaction Administrator

  • Configure User in Interaction Administrator

Note: Existing CIC installations must follow these procedures in order to upgrade and configure for OAuth 2.0.

For more information, including configuration procedures, see the Gmail Integration Technical Reference in the PureConnect Documentation Library.