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Changes in Process Automation Server Version 2

Here's a summary of the changes from Process Automation Server version 1 to Process Automation Server version 2:


Process Automation Server Version 1

Process Automation Server Version 2


Data used by processes. Process metadata is in persistence files separate from the database.

Only data used by processes. Process metadata must be on Microsoft SQL Server.


No. 32-bit application with a practical limit of 4GB memory.

Yes. Better memory utilization. Theoretical 16 Exabyte limit.

IPA Monitor

Monitors all workflows.

Monitors no workflows by default. The user creates filters to monitor selected workflows.


If backup server won't start, set a server parameter in Interaction Administrator.

No special action required unless a crash required the switchover and the backup server doesn't start; if so, run the Flow_admin tool.

Location of persistence data

Persistence files.

Microsoft SQL Server database.

Ports for talking to the database

Uses the data sources set by Interaction Administrator.

No change from Process Automation Server version 1.

New tools


  • Flow_admin: see the row about switchover.

  • Migration tool to move from Process Automation Server version 1 to version 2.

Are process definition files compatible with both versions?




Only one primary Process Automation Server version 1 server can be active. Runs only on the IC server.

Cluster scalable (n+1). Can run off-host. Can run multiple Process Automation Server version 2 servers in parallel with workload balancing.

Process Automation Server Version 2 (PAS v2) has these enhancements:

  • IPA Monitor: Instead of monitoring every workflow in the system at all times, you create filters to show only the flows you want to monitor. This makes the server more scalable and reliable.

Note: If your filter is too loose and too many flows start showing up, PAS v2 cancels your filter because it returns too many results. You must make a new, narrower filter.

  • PAS v2 is 64-bit: If you use Database actions in your workflows and connect to an Oracle database, the machine with Process Automation Server version 2 must have the 64-bit version of the Oracle ODBC driver available. No special steps are needed for SQLServer.

Process Automation Server version 2 stores data about workflows only in a Microsoft SQL Server database, though it can use any ODBC-compliant database for other kinds of data.

Easier and more fault-tolerant switchovers:

  • For planned switchovers, Process Automation Server version 2 requires no special actions.

  • For unplanned switchovers, Process Automation Server version 2 requires no special actions if you can start the now-backup-server.

  • For unplanned switchovers if you cannot start the now-backup server, you can run the "flow_admin.exe" tool and follow the prompts to restart flows from the backup server.