
  • Contents

Data packages

Interaction Report Assistant has from 9 to 12 predefined data packages. Each package contains a set of fields to display the data in your report. Select one package to base your report on.

Be aware that some packages will not return data if your system is not tracking the data related to the package, for example, media types or skills. The descriptions of the packages also appear in Interaction Report Assistant when you select an available package in the Data box. For more information on data packages, see Appendix A.



Agent Status

Contains records of Agent state changes. State changes are based on login and logouts, status, and ACD login and logouts.

Agent Queue Statistics

Contains interval-based interaction statistics associated with the User Queue. Use this package if you want to report on interval-based summaries.

Agent Queue Statistics (Media Type)

Contains media type and interval-based interaction statistics associated with the User Queue. Use this package if your system is tracking media types.

Agent Queue Statistics (Custom Groups)

Contains interval-based interaction statistics by Custom report groups associated with the User Queue. Use this package if your system is using Custom Groups or DNIS for reporting.

Workgroup Queue Statistics

Contains interval-based interaction statistics associated with ACD and non-ACD workgroups Queues. Intervals are defined as the period in which your statistics are logged to the database. The system default is 30 minutes.

Workgroup Queue Statistics (Custom Groups)

Contains interval-based interaction statistics associated with ACD and non-ACD workgroups Queues. Intervals are defined as the period in which your statistics are logged to the database. The system default is 30 minutes. Use this package if you want to report on Custom groups defined in your system. Use this package to report on interval-based summaries.

Workgroup Queue Statistics (Media Type)

Contains interval-based interaction statistics associated with ACD and non-ACD workgroups Queues by Media Type (if any). Use this package if your system is tracking media types.

Workgroup Queue Statistics (Skills)

Contains interval-based interaction statistics associated with ACD and non-ACD workgroups Queues by Skills. Use this package if your system is tracking skills.

Interactions (Tracker)

Contains information related to the interaction and its participants.

Scoring (Recorder)

Contains information related to scoring a recording such as name of the scored individual, name of individual scoring the recording, total score of recording, recording information, and so on.

Voicemails (Tracker)

Contains information about voicemails left by Interaction Tracker contacts.

Note: This package requires the I3_ACCESS_TRACKER license for the package to be displayed in the list of Available Packages.

Interaction Detail

Contains data related to all physical interactions placed or received by the system.

Interaction Feedback Survey Scoring Detail

Contains information related to a survey score such as survey name, survey score, name of agent whose interaction had the survey attached, customer contact name (if available from Interaction Tracker), question name and question score, and so on.

Interaction Feedback Survey Utilization

Contains records of survey states, for example, Completed and Opted-Out.