
  • Contents

Start a Chat

To begin a new chat, send the Start a Chat message. Currently, there is no concept of an external user joining an existing chat. You must get the server configuration before starting a chat.

The chat client gets the web user's name and passes it to the WebProcessor as part of the request.

The participant block is required:

  • For a non-anonymous but non-authenticated user, supply the name and specify null for the credentials.

  • For an anonymous user, specify Anonymous User for the name and null for the credentials.

The attributes block can have any number of children, but no grandchildren. The values of its children must be strings. You can optionally supply routing contexts. The contexts are sent to handlers, which look up skills in an Interaction Processor table and assign them to the interaction. You can use the product and language categories without modifying handlers. For more information, see the Interaction Web Tools Technical Reference.

If you use custom attributes, the server prefixes attribute names with WebTools_.

Interaction Web Tools supports the transcript feature if the server has transcript capability.



JSON Request

text/plain is the only content type supported.

POST /WebSvcs/chat/start
  "supportedContentTypes": "text/plain",
    "name": "Wally Webuser",
    "credentials": "s3cr3t"
  "transcriptRequired": true,
  "emailAddress": "",
  "target": "Marketing",
  "targettype": "Workgroup",
  "language": "en-us"
  "customInfo": "free-form text",
  "attributes" :
    "some_name" : "some_string",
    "some_other_name" : "some_other_string"
    /* For security, the server prefixes
       attribute names with WebTools_. */
  "routingContexts" :
    { "context" : "ICM", "category" : "Product" },
    { "context" : "012789", "category" : "Accounts" }

Successful JSON Request

    "participantID": "6cbd650b-e8f5-45be-b1cc-7277671537b0",
    "chatID": "7cbd650b-e8f5-45be-b1cc-7277671537b9",
    "dateFormat": "M\/d\/yyyy",
    "timeFormat": "h:mm:ss tt", 
      "type": "success"

Failed JSON Response

      "type": "failure",
      "reason": "error.websvc.something"