The status of an outbound call that was manually initiated

Namespace: ININ.IceLib.Dialer.Enums
Assembly: ININ.IceLib.Dialer (in ININ.IceLib.Dialer.dll) Version: (


public enum ManualOutboundCallStatus
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration ManualOutboundCallStatus


Member nameValueDescription
Unknown0The status cannot be determined
None1No status has been assigned
InvalidCampaign2The call could not be initiated because the specified campaign is invalid
InvalidAgent3The call could not be initiated because the initiating agent is invalid
InternalError4The call could not be initiated due to an internal error
AgentNotIdle5The call could not be initiated because the initiating agent is not ready to receive a new Dialer call
ContactNotFound6The call could not be initiated because the specified contact could not be found in the contact list
ContactUncallable7The call could not be initiated because the specified contact has an uncallable status
ContactBlocked8The call could not be initiated because the specified contact has blocked by one or more dialing restrictions
PlaceCallFailed9The call was initiated but could not be placed due to an internal restriction
InvalidPhoneNumber10The call was initiated but could not be placed because the specified phone number is not valid
CallBlocked11The call was initiated but could not be placed
CallPlaced12The call has been placed
CallComplete13The call has been completed and a disposition has been entered
PolicyCompleted14The call has been dispositioned or transferred by a policy behavior.
PreviouslyDialed15The call was initiated but could not be placed because it had been previously dialed since the last campaign recyle.

See Also