The DialerConfigurationManager type exposes the following members.


Public methodCleanMetaDataTable
Causes the cleanup routine for Meta Data Tables to fire immediatly.
Public methodCleanMetaDataTableAsync
Asynchronously requests a transition to a new Campaign Group in a sequence. .
Public methodDeactivateCCSSwitchover
Deactivate Centeral Campaign Switchover.
Public methodDeactivateCCSSwitchoverAsync
Asynchronously deactivate Centeral Campaign Switchover.
Public methodDeleteCampaignServerParameters
Delete Central Campaign Server parameters
Public methodDeleteCampaignServerParametersAsync
Asynchronously delete Central Campaign Server parameters
Public methodDeleteOrphanScriptPages Obsolete.
a method that deletes script pages from the config that no longer are part of a base script configuration.
Public methodDownloadFile
Downloads a file from the Central Campaign Server via the http server.
Public methodDownloadFileAsync
Asynchronously downloads a file from the Central Campaign Server via the http server.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodExportXML
Exports Dialer configuration objects as an XML string.
Protected methodFinalize (Overrides Object..::..Finalize()()()().)
Public methodGetCampaignServerParameters
Gets a list of Central Campaign server parameters
Public methodGetCampaignServerParametersAsync
Asynchronously retrieves a list of Central Campaign server parameters
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHttpRequestKey(ConfigurationId)
(Deprecated) Gets the information necessary to send an http request to the Central Campaign Server. Requires the core Dialer config admin right.
Public methodGetHttpRequestKey(ConfigurationId, ServerType)
Gets the information necessary to send an http request to either the Central Campaign Server or the Outbound Dialing Server. Requires the core Dialer config admin right.
Public methodGetHttpRequestKeyAsync(ConfigurationId, EventHandler<(Of <<'(AsyncCompletedEventArgs<(Of <<'(HttpRequestKey>)>>)>)>>), Object)
(Deprecated)Asynchronously retrieves the information necessary to send an http request to the Central Campaign Server. Requires the core Dialer config admin right.
Public methodGetHttpRequestKeyAsync(ConfigurationId, ServerType, EventHandler<(Of <<'(AsyncCompletedEventArgs<(Of <<'(HttpRequestKey>)>>)>)>>), Object)
Asynchronously retrieves the information necessary to send an http request to either the Central Campaign Server or the Outbound Dialing server. Requires the core Dialer config admin right.
Public methodGetLastTransitionTime
Look up the time the last campaign transitioned, and the name of the previous group.
Public methodGetLastTransitionTimeAsync
Asynchronously requests for the last transition time.
Public methodGetResourceList
Retrieves the list of files present on the Central Campaign Server.
Public methodGetResourceListAsync
Asynchronously retrieves a list of files present on the Central Campaign Server.
Public methodGetSwitchoverPair
Retrieves the names of the master and the switchover ODS servers
Public methodGetSwitchoverPairAsync
Asynchronously retrieves the names of the master and the switchover CCS servers.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUDLContents
Retrieve the connection string from a UDL file.
Public methodGetUDLContentsAsync
Asynchronously retrieve the connection string froma UDL file.
Public methodImportXML
Imports non-default Dialer objects from an XML string into the active configuration.
Public methodInitiateSwitchover
Initiates a Switchover.
Public methodInitiateSwitchoverAsync
Asynchronously requests a Switchover.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetCampaignServerParameters
Set Central Campaign server parameters
Public methodSetCampaignServerParametersAsync
Asynchronously Set Central Campaign server parameters
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodTransitionRuleGroup
Transition to a new Campaign Group in a sequence.
Public methodTransitionRuleGroupAsync
Asynchronously requests a transition to a new Campaign Group in a sequence. .
Public methodUploadFile
Uploads a file to the Central Campaign Server via the http server.
Public methodUploadFileAsync
Asynchronously uploads a file to the Central Campaign Server via the http server.

See Also