The BaseScriptPageConfiguration type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBackgroundColor
The page's background color.
Public propertyChanged (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'BaseScriptPageConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public propertyConfigurationId (Inherited from ListConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyForegroundColor
The page's foreground color.
Public propertyIsDefaultObject
Indicates whether this is the default instance of this object type.
Public propertyIsNewObject (Inherited from ConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyOriginalConfigurationId (Inherited from ListConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyPageControls
The collection of user interface controls displayed on the page.
Public propertyPageDispositions
The collection of dispositions that may be applied to the call. These appear as buttons or links on the page.
Public propertyPropertiesChanged
Determines which properties have been modified since the object was last saved.
Public propertyRevisionLevel
The version number of this object.
Public propertyStage
The number of the stage corresponding to this script page.
Public propertyStaticText
Read-only text appearing on the page, typically used to assist the agent. May contain plain text, macros, and/or HTML tags.

See Also