The CallRoutingBehavior type exposes the following members.


Public propertyBehaviorType
The type of action the behavior performs.
(Inherited from PolicyBehavior.)
Public propertyDesireToUseWeight
Get or set how heavily skill desire will be considered in routing the call.
Public propertyEnableMaxPreviewTime
Gets or sets whether the interaction will enforce a maximum preview time.
Public propertyId
(Inherited from PolicyBehavior.)
Public propertyMaxDesireToUse
Get or set the maximum skill desire of agents that will receive this call based on the specified skill.
Public propertyMaxPreviewSeconds
Gets or sets the maximum number of seconds for which the interaction can be previewed.
Public propertyMaxProficiency
Get or set the maximum skill proficiency of agents that will receive this call based on the specified skill.
Public propertyMinDesireToUse
Get or set the minimum skill desire of agents that will receive this call based on the specified skill.
Public propertyMinProficiency
Get or set the minimum skill proficiency of agents that will receive this call based on the specified skill.
Public propertyProficiencyWeight
Get or set how heavily skill proficiency will be considered in routing the call.
Public propertyRequiredSkill
Get or set the skill requirement that will be attached to this call (if any).
Public propertyRoutingMode
Get or set how the call will be routed.

See Also