The CampaignConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageMethods

Public methodCancelEdit (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodCommit (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodCommitAsync (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodDelete (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodDeleteAsync (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetMaxLineSetting
returns the Max lines per campaign setting of the campaign
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValidators (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodGetValidatorsAsync (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodMapPhoneNumbersToZones
Recycles the contact list referenced by this campaign.
Public methodMapPhoneNumbersToZonesAsync
Asynchronously recycles the contact list referenced by this campaign.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPerformBulkDNCScrub
Scrubs the campaign's contact list using the assigned DNC source.
Public methodPerformBulkDNCScrubAsync
Asynchronously scrubs the campaign's contact list using the assigned DNC source.
Public methodPrepareForEdit (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodQuickValidate
Performs a test to validate if this campaign can operate correctly at a very basic level.
Public methodQuickValidateAsync
Performs a test to validate if this campaign can operate correctly at a very basic level.
Public methodRecycleContactList
Recycles the contact list referenced by this campaign.
Public methodRecycleContactListAsync
Asynchronously recycles the contact list referenced by this campaign.
Public methodResetCampaign
Resets the campaign by recycling the contact list, resetting the recycle count to 0, and picking up any saved configuration changes since the last time the campaign started.
Public methodResetCampaignAsync
Asynchronously resets the campaign by recycling the contact list, resetting the recycle count to 0, and picking up any saved configuration changes since the last time the campaign started.
Public methodSetConfigurationId (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodSetDisplayName (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodTest
Verify database, contact list, and skill set settings.
Public methodTestAsync
Asynchronously verify database, contact list, and skill set settings.
Public methodToString (Inherited from ConfigurationObject.)

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAbandonRateCalculation
The manner in which the abandon rate is calculated.
Public propertyAcdAgentAvailableTimeInterval
The amount of time (in seconds) before incrementing agent available time/>
Public propertyAcdAgentAvailableTimeWeight
The level of importance for agent available time in the agent score formula
Public propertyAcdAgentCostWeight
The level of importance for agent cost in the agent score formula
Public propertyAcdAgentSkillWeight
The level of importance for agent skill in the agent score formula
Public propertyAcdPriorityLevel
The level of importance of call priority in the call score formula
Public propertyAcdPriorityWeight
The priority assigned to calls
Public propertyAcdSkillsWeight
The level of importance of agent skill in the call score formula
Public propertyAcdTimeInQueueWeight
The level of importance of time spent in queue in the call score formula
Public propertyAcdTimeInSystemWeight
The amount of time (in seconds) before increasing the time in system value
Public propertyAcdWorkgroup
The ACD workgroup used by the dialing server
Public propertyActiveRuleGroup
The activue rule group associated with the campaign RuleSet.
Public propertyAgentlessAllowAcdIfNoAgentAvailable
Toggles ACD routing when no agent is available to take a call. If enabled, the called party is immediately rerouted to a newly available agent. If disabled, the call is disconnected after any specified wave audio file or Attendant Profile completes, even if an agent becomes available.
Public propertyAgentlessAnsweringMachineAttendantProfile
The Attendant Profile to route the call to when an answering machine is encountered.
Public propertyAgentlessAnsweringMachineFile
The wave audio file to play when an answering machine is encountered.
Public propertyAgentlessAnsweringMachineSecondsOfSilence
The amount of time the system will wait before playing a wave audio file to an answering machine.
Public propertyAgentlessAnsweringMachineType
The action to perform when an answering machine is encountered.
Public propertyAgentlessFaxAttendantProfile
The Attendant Profile to route the call to when a fax machine is encountered.
Public propertyAgentlessFaxFile
The fax file (.i3f) to play when a fax machine is encountered.
Public propertyAgentlessFaxMaxRetries
The maximum number of times a fax machine may be encountered before the contact is considered a failure.
Public propertyAgentlessFaxType
The action to perform when a fax machine is encountered.
Public propertyAgentlessFileRepeat
The number of additional times a file should be played. A ten second period of silence separates each play.
Public propertyAgentlessLiveAttendantProfile
The Attendant Profile to route the call to when a live person is reached.
Public propertyAgentlessLiveFile
The wave audio file to play when a live person is reached.
Public propertyAgentlessLiveType
The action to perform when a live person is reached.
Public propertyAgentlessNoAgentAttendantProfile
The Attendant Profile to route the call to when no agent is available to take the call.
Public propertyAgentlessNoAgentFile
The wave audio file to play when no agent is available to take the call.
Public propertyAgentlessNoAgentType
The action to perform when no agent is available to take the call.
Public propertyAgentOwnedCallbackCacheTimeout
The interval in minutes to check for agent-owned callbacks and either reschedule or flush them out.
Public propertyAutomapTimeZone
Toggles automatic mapping of phone numbers to a predefined zone
Public propertyAutopacingMaxPace
The upper limit on dialing pace. Auto-adjustments may not exceed this value.
Public propertyAutoscheduleAnsweringMachineMaxAttempts
The maximum number of times a rescheduled call may reach an answering machine before the contact is marked as uncallable
Public propertyAutoscheduleAnsweringMachineRescheduleDelay
The number of minutes the system will wait before retrying a call that previously reached an answering machine
Public propertyAutoscheduleBusyMaxAttempts
The maximum number of times a rescheduled call may encounter a busy signal before the contact is marked as uncallable
Public propertyAutoscheduleBusyRescheduleDelay
The number of minutes the system will wait before retrying a call that previously encountered a busy signal
Public propertyAutoscheduledCallsIgnoreRecycles
When enabled, auto-scheduled calls are flagged so that future recycles of the contact list do not dial this entry as a normal contact
Public propertyAutoscheduleFaxMaxAttempts
The maximum number of times a rescheduled call may reach a fax machine before the contact is marked as uncallable
Public propertyAutoscheduleFaxRescheduleDelay
The number of minutes the system will wait before retrying a call that previously reached a fax machine
Public propertyAutoscheduleNoAnswerMaxAttempts
The maximum number of times the system will call a contact that is not answering before it is marked as uncallable
Public propertyAutoscheduleNoAnswerRescheduleDelay
The number of minutes the system will wait before retrying a call that previously received no answer
Public propertyAutoscheduleRemoteHangupMaxAttempts
The maximum number of times a rescheduled call may be disconnected by the remote party before the contact is marked as uncallable
Public propertyAutoscheduleRemoteHangupRescheduleDelay
The number of minutes the system will wait before retrying a call that was terminated by the remote party
Public propertyAutoscheduleSystemHangupMaxAttempts
The maximum number of times the system will call a contact back if the system itself terminated the call before marking the contact as uncallable
Public propertyAutoscheduleSystemHangupRescheduleDelay
The number of minutes the system will wait before retrying a call that was terminated by the system itself
Public propertyBaseScript
The Id of the Base Script used by the campaign
Public propertyCallerIdDisplayName
The name that contacts will see on Caller ID devices
Public propertyCallerIdDisplayNumber
The telephone number that contacts will see on Caller ID devices
Public propertyCallingMode
The calling mode of the campaign.
Public propertyCallStages
The Id of the Stage Set used by the campaign
Public propertyCallTimeoutSeconds
The amount of time (in seconds) the system will wait for an available agent before disconnecting the remote party
Public propertyCampaignGroup
The (optional) logical group that the campaign belongs to.
Public propertyCampaignStatsInterval
The interval at which campaign statistics are gathered and logged.
Public propertyChanged (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public propertyConfigurationId (Inherited from ListConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyContactColumns
The Ids of the contact columns used in contact queries. This is only used if CustomizeContactColumns is true
Public propertyContactList
The Id of the Contact List used by the campaign
Public propertyCopyDialerAttributesToCallAttributes
Toggles whether to copy contact attributes (columns/values) to the call's attributes before forwarding the call to an Attendant Profile.
Public propertyCustomDNCSource
The Id of the Custom Do-Not-Call source object used by the campaign.
Public propertyCustomizeContactColumns
Specifies if contact columns use the customized list available in ContactColumns
Public propertyCustomScriptURL
The URL of the first HTML page displayed by the custom script used by this campaign. Leave blank if using a base script.
Public propertyDialingActive
Specifies if the campaign is currently running, whether manually controlled or automatically scheduled.
Public propertyDialingAutoOnOff
Specifies if the campaign is currently running under the control of a dialing schedule.
Public propertyDialingPace
(Deprecated) The aggressiveness of outbound dialing ranging from -100 (not aggressive) to 100 (very aggressive).
Public propertyDialingPriority
The level of importance of this campaign in relation to other running campaigns
Public propertyDialingSchedule
The Id of the dialing schedule used by the campaign.
Public propertyDialingScheduledOnly
Toggles whether the campaign should only dial scheduled callbacks.
Public propertyDisplayTransitionAlerts
Specifies if the client should alert users when the active rule group changes.
Public propertyDNCExclusionId
The Id of the Do-Not-Call exclusion object used by the campaign.
Public propertyDNCSource
The Id of the Do-Not-Call source object used by the campaign.
Public propertyEnableAnsweringMachineDetection
Toggles whether call analysis should also attempt to detect answering machines.
Public propertyEnableCallAnalysis
Toggles the use of call analysis to determine the nature of the connected party (live person, fax machine, etc).
Public propertyEnableMaxPreviewTime
Toggles the use of max preview time when using Preview for CallingMode.
Public propertyFilterAutoscheduledCallbacks
Toggles the application of filter criteria when querying for auto-scheduled callbacks.
Public propertyFilters
The Ids of the filters used in contact queries.
Public propertyFilterScheduledCallbacks
Toggles the application of filter criteria when querying for scheduled callbacks.
Public propertyFollowUpStatus
The status that Dialer sets the agent to when a Dialer call disconnects but has not been dispositioned yet.
Public propertyInboundWorkgroups
Workgroup-specific thresholds used to automatically disable or enable prediction in blended environments.
Public propertyIncludeNoAgentAsAbandon
Specifies the manner in which calls with no agents available are considered abandoned.
Public propertyIncludeRemoteHangupAsAbandon
Specifies the manner in which calls disconnected by the remote party are considered abandoned.
Public propertyIncludeSystemHangupAsAbandon
Specifies the manner in which calls disconnected by the system are considered abandoned.
Public propertyInitialCallsPerRequest
The number of calls to place when contact rate information is not yet available, such as when a campaign starts.
Public propertyIsDefaultObject
Indicates whether this is the default instance of this object type.
Public propertyIsExporting
Tells whether the current object is being used for exporting
Public propertyIsNewObject (Inherited from ConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyIsNonDialerStatDisabled
If true, Dialer will not reserve agents for non-Dialer calls, decreasing idle times for blended sites.
Public propertyKeepOpen
Toggles whether the Scripter client should keep the campaign's script open between calls
Public propertyMaxAbandonRate
The maximum percentage of calls that are abandoned the dialing server will allow before adjusting the dialing pace.
Public propertyMaxAgentCallbackReschedules
The maximum number of reschedule delays before an own-agent callback is converted into a campaign-wide callback and placed immediately.
Public propertyMaxAttempts
The maximum number of times a contact record will be dialed before it is marked as uncallable.
Public propertyMaxAttemptsPerPhoneNumber
The maximum number of times a phone number will be dialed before it is marked as uncallable.
Public propertyMaxDailyAttempts
The maximum number of times a phone number can be dialed in one day.
Public propertyMaxDailyAttemptsDefinition
The maximum number of times a contact can be dialed in one day regardless of how many phone numbers the contact contains.
Public propertyMaxLines
The maximum number of lines a campaign may use.
Public propertyMaxPreviewSeconds
The maximum number of seconds a user may preview a number.
Public propertyMaxRecycles
The number of additional times the system will go through the contact list before ending the campaign.
Public propertyMinimumNextDial
The minimum number of minutes that must elapse before a phone number may be dialed again.
Public propertyNoAgentAbandonDelay
The number of seconds that may elapse before a call with no available agent is considered to be abandoned.
Public propertyNoAnswerTimeout
The number of seconds the system will wait for a contact to answer before disconnecting the call.
Public propertyOriginalConfigurationId (Inherited from ListConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyOutboundDialingLineType
Specifies whether the campaign should adhere strictly to a dial plan, or use one specific line group.
Public propertyOutboundDialPlanLocation
The dial plan location used by the campaign.
Public propertyOutboundLinegroup
The name of the line group used by the campaign.
Public propertyOutboundSMSEnabled
Specifies whether outbound SMS is enabled or disabled.
Public propertyOverallInboundHighThreshold
The number of inbound waiting calls in the ACD workgroup that will cause the dialing server to stop making predictions.
Public propertyOverallInboundLowThreshold
The number of inbound waiting calls in the ACD workgroup that will cause the dialing server to resume making predictions.
Public propertyPaused
Pauses or unpauses the campaign.
Public propertyPersistentConnectionWavFile
The wave audio file to play to Scripter client users upon a succcessful login.
Public propertyPolicySets
The Ids of the Policy Sets used by the campaign.
Public propertyPriorityDialingEnabled
Toggles the priority (just-in-time) dialing feature.
Public propertyPriorityQueryFrequency
The interval (in seconds) at which the dialing server queries for contacts marked as priority (just-in-time).
Public propertyPrioritySortColumns
Criteria for sorting the contact list by column when querying for priority (just-in-time) calls.
Public propertyQueryTimeFilters
The Ids of the filters used in phone number details queries.
Public propertyRecyclesRemaining
The number of recycles left to be executed in order for the campaign to complete. This property is read-only.
Public propertyRecycleTable
The name of the database table containing recycle information for the campaign. This value is automatically generated by the central campaign server and is read-only.
Public propertyRemoteHangUpAbandonDelay
The amount of time (in seconds) before a call is disconnected by the remote party which designates the call as abandoned.
Public propertyRescheduleDelay
The amount of time (in minutes) the system will wait before checking if an agent is available to take an auto-scheduled callback. The delay process is repeated if the agent is stil not available, up to the number of attempts specified by MaxAgentCallbackReschedules.
Public propertyRevisionLevel
The current version of this object. This property is read-only.
Public propertyRuleSet
The Id of the Rule Set assigned to the campaign.
Public propertySequence
The Id of the Sequence assigned to the campaign.
Public propertyServers
The Ids of dialing servers participating in the campaign.
Public propertySkillSets
The Ids of Skill Sets used by this campaign for skills-based dialing.
Public propertySMSBroker
The name of the SMS Broker used by the campaign.
Public propertySMSBrokerAccount
The name of the SMS Broker Account used by the campaign.
Public propertySortColumns
Criteria for sorting the contact list by column.
Public propertyStrictMaxAbandon
Toggles the forcing of the system to adhere to maximum abandon rate settings.
Public propertySupervisorAccess
Returns a boolean based on the user's ability to perform certain Supervisor-related tasks on the campaign. Examples of such actions are: stopping, starting, turning the campaign on in scheduled calls only mode, pausing, unpausing, recycling and resetting the campaign.
Public propertyTimeZoneAutoMappingMode
The manner in which to map phone numbers to time zones
Public propertyUseAllDialingServers
Specifies whether this campaign should use every ODS available when dialing. Setting this property to trueTruetruetrue (True in Visual Basic) will clear the Servers collection except for one special "All Servers" object.
Public propertyUseAutoScheduleSettingsForAgentCallbacks
Toggles whether this campaign's Auto-Schedule settings apply to own-agent callbacks.
Public propertyUseBulkApi
Toggles the use of the Bulk Call API, allowing higher call throughput using less system resources.
Public propertyUseCallingTimeRestrictions
Toggles the use of DNC.Com's Calling Time Restrictions flag.
Public propertyUseCallingTimeWindow
Toggles the use of DNC.Com's Calling Time Window flag.
Public propertyUseContactListZone
Toggles the use of contact record zone for zone blocking.
Public propertyUseDefaultZoneForZoneBlocking
Toggles the use of default zone for zone blocking.
Public propertyUseDoNotCallToday
Toggles the use of DNC.Com's Do not call today flag.
Public propertyUsePermissionEbr
Toggles the use of DNC.Com's Use Permission EBR flag.
Public propertyZoneSet
The Id of the Zone Set used by this campaign.

Collapse imageSee Also