The CampaignConfiguration type exposes the following members.


Public methodCancelEdit (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodCommit (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodCommitAsync (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodDelete (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodDeleteAsync (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodStatic memberGetDescription
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetMaxLineSetting
returns the Max lines per campaign setting of the campaign
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetValidators (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodGetValidatorsAsync (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodMapPhoneNumbersToZones
Recycles the contact list referenced by this campaign.
Public methodMapPhoneNumbersToZonesAsync
Asynchronously recycles the contact list referenced by this campaign.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodPerformBulkDNCScrub
Scrubs the campaign's contact list using the assigned DNC source.
Public methodPerformBulkDNCScrubAsync
Asynchronously scrubs the campaign's contact list using the assigned DNC source.
Public methodPrepareForEdit (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodQuickValidate
Performs a test to validate if this campaign can operate correctly at a very basic level.
Public methodQuickValidateAsync
Performs a test to validate if this campaign can operate correctly at a very basic level.
Public methodRecycleContactList
Recycles the contact list referenced by this campaign.
Public methodRecycleContactListAsync
Asynchronously recycles the contact list referenced by this campaign.
Public methodResetCampaign
Resets the campaign by recycling the contact list, resetting the recycle count to 0, and picking up any saved configuration changes since the last time the campaign started.
Public methodResetCampaignAsync
Asynchronously resets the campaign by recycling the contact list, resetting the recycle count to 0, and picking up any saved configuration changes since the last time the campaign started.
Public methodSetConfigurationId (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodSetDisplayName (Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'CampaignConfiguration..::..Property>)>)>.)
Public methodTest
Verify database, contact list, and skill set settings.
Public methodTestAsync
Asynchronously verify database, contact list, and skill set settings.
Public methodToString (Inherited from ConfigurationObject.)

See Also