The CampaignConfiguration..::..CampaignTestResults type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageFields

Public fieldCallableRecords
The total number of callable records in the contact list.
Public fieldContactListTable
The name of the contact list table.
Public fieldErrorMessage
Contains a message indicating why the test failed.
Public fieldFilter
The SQL clause use to filter records, as it appears in contact list queries.
Public fieldFilteredRecords
The total number of records in the contact list blocked after applying filters.
Public fieldNoPhoneNumberRecords
The total number of records in the contact list without a phone number.
Public fieldNRRLib
Indicates whether the Number Request and Response plug-in is in use.
Public fieldQueryTimeFilter
The SQL clause used to filter records, as it appears in phone number detail queries.
Public fieldQueryTimeFilteredRecords
The total number of records in the contact list blocked after applying query-time filters.
Public fieldSampleRecordColumns
Database table columns corresponding to data in SampleRecords. Included fields are defined contact columns and columns found in Sort.
Public fieldSampleRecords
Sample of callable records from the contact list. Included fields can be found in SampleRecordColumns.
Public fieldScheduledCalls
The total number of calls scheduled for records in the contact list.
Public fieldSkillCombinationColumns
Database table columns corresponding to data in SkillCombinations.
Public fieldSkillCombinations
Breakdown of callable records by skill combination.
Public fieldSort
The SQL clause used to sort contact records, as it appears in contact list queries.
Public fieldSuccess
Indicates whether the test completed without errors. If false, check ErrorMessage for details.
Public fieldTotalRecords
The total number of records in the contact list.
Public fieldUncallableRecords
The total number of uncallable records in the contact list.

Collapse imageSee Also