The DialerCallInteraction type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AppendNote | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
AppendNoteAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
AppendStringAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
AppendStringAttributeAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
BlindTransfer(String) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
BlindTransfer(QueueId) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
BlindTransferAsync(String, AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
BlindTransferAsync(QueueId, AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
CallComplete |
Dispositions this call.
| |
CallCompleteAsync |
Asynchronously dispositions this call.
| |
ChangeWatchedAttributes | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
ChangeWatchedAttributesAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
Coach | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
CoachAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
ConsultTransfer | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
ConsultTransferAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
Disconnect | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
DisconnectAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Finalize | Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetBooleanAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetBooleanAttributeAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetDateTimeAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetDateTimeAttributeAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetIntegerAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetIntegerAttributeAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetStringAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetStringAttributeAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetStringAttributes | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetStringAttributesAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetWatchedBooleanAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetWatchedDateTimeAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetWatchedIntegerAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetWatchedStringAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
GetWatchedStringsAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
Hold | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
HoldAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
InitiateRecordingSnip | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
InitiateRecordingSnipAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
InitiateSecureInput | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
InitiateSecureInputAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
IsValidCapability | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
IsWatching()()()() | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
IsWatching(String) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
Join | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
JoinAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
Listen | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
ListenAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
MarkCallForFinishing |
Marks this call for finishing, preparing it to be handled by a finishing agent.
| |
MarkCallForFinishingAsync |
Asynchronously marks this call for finishing, preparing it to be handled by a finishing agent.
| |
MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
Mute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
MuteAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
Park(String) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
Park(QueueId) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
ParkAsync(String, AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
ParkAsync(QueueId, AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
Pause | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
PauseAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
Pickup | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
PickupAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
PlacePreviewCall |
Places this preview call.
| |
PlacePreviewCallAsync |
Asynchronously places this preview call.
| |
PlayDigits | (Inherited from CallInteraction.) | |
PlayDigitsAsync | (Inherited from CallInteraction.) | |
PlayWaveAudio | (Inherited from CallInteraction.) | |
PlayWaveAudioAsync | (Inherited from CallInteraction.) | |
Private | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
PrivateAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
Record | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
RecordAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
RequestHelp | Obsolete. (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
RequestHelpAsync | Obsolete. (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SecureRecordingPause(SecureRecordingPauseParameters) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SecureRecordingPause(Boolean) | Obsolete. (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SecureRecordingPauseAsync(Boolean, AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) | Obsolete. (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SecureRecordingPauseAsync(SecureRecordingPauseParameters, AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetAccountCodeId | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetAccountCodeIdAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetDateTimeAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetDateTimeAttributeAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetRemoteName | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetRemoteNameAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetStateDescription | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetStateDescriptionAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetStringAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetStringAttributeAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetStringAttributes | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetStringAttributesAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetWrapUpCodeId | Obsolete. (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
SetWrapUpCodeIdAsync | Obsolete. (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
StartWatching | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
StartWatchingAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
StopAllWaveAudio | (Inherited from CallInteraction.) | |
StopAllWaveAudioAsync | (Inherited from CallInteraction.) | |
StopWatching | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
StopWatchingAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
ToString | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
TransferToAttendant |
Transfers this call to an outbound Attendant profile
| |
TransferToAttendantAsync |
Asynchronously transfers this call to an outbound Attendant profile
| |
TransferToVoicemail(String) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
TransferToVoicemail(QueueId) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
TransferToVoicemailAsync(String, AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
TransferToVoicemailAsync(QueueId, AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
TryGetWatchedBooleanAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
TryGetWatchedDateTimeAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
TryGetWatchedIntegerAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
TryGetWatchedStringAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
TryGetWatchedStringsAttribute | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
UpdateCallData |
Updates the call data, pushing any changes out to Dialer.
| |
UpdateCallDataAsync |
Asynchronously updates the call data, pushing any changes out to Dialer.
| |
UpdateStage |
Moves the agent to a new stage in the call.
| |
UpdateStageAsync |
Asynchronously moves the agent to a new stage in the call.
| |
Voicemail | (Inherited from Interaction.) | |
VoicemailAsync | (Inherited from Interaction.) |