The AgentlessActionBehavior type exposes the following members.


Public propertyAction
Get or set the type of action to be performed.
Public propertyAttendantProfile
Get or set the attentant profile calls should be routed to.
Public propertyBehaviorType
The type of action the behavior performs.
(Inherited from PolicyBehavior.)
Public propertyFaxFile
Get or set the full path (on the server) of the fax recording file. This must be an i3f file.
Public propertyId
(Inherited from PolicyBehavior.)
Public propertySecondsOfSilence
Get or set a number of seconds to wait before playing a voice message or starting an attendant profile.
Public propertyVoiceFile
Get or set the full path (on the server) of the voice recording file. This must be a wav file.

See Also