The WorkgroupDetails type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAcdRoutingOutboundMailboxes
Gets the ACD routing outbound mailboxes for sending outbound e-mail from an ACD workgroup.
Public propertyActiveMembers
Gets the Workgroup's active members.
Public propertyExtension
Gets the extension for the Workgroup.
Public propertyHasActivation
Gets whether the Workgroup has activation.
Public propertyHasMailbox
Gets whether the Workgroup has a mailbox associated with it.
Public propertyHasQueue
Gets whether the Workgroup has a Queue associated with it.
Public propertyIsActive
Gets whether the Workgroup is active.
Public propertyIsWrapUpActive
Gets whether the Workgroup has wrap up active.
Public propertyMaximumChatResponseTime
Gets the number of seconds that should elapse before an unattended chat interaction should warn the user about a lack of activity.
Public propertyMembers
Gets the Workgroup's members.
Public propertyName
Gets the name of the Workgroup.
Public propertyQueueType
Gets the QueueType for the Workgroup.
Public propertyRingToneForCalls
Gets the ring tone for calls that arrive into this workgroup.
Public propertyRingToneForChats
Gets the ring tone for chats that arrive into this workgroup.
Public propertyRingToneForEmails
Gets the ring tone for emails that arrive into this workgroup.
Public propertyRingToneForOtherInteractions
Gets the ring tone for interactions other than chats, emails and calls that arrive into this workgroup.
Public propertySupervisors
Gets the Workgroup's supervisors.
Public propertyWrapUpClientTimeout
Gets workgroup's wrap up client timeout value.
Public propertyWrapUpCodes
Gets the workgroups's wrap-up codes.

Collapse imageSee Also