The IceLibConnectionExceptionTypes type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AccessDenied | The specified user or station does not have sufficient rights to perform the requested action. | |
AlernateWindowsAuthDisabled | Alternate windows authentication is disabled. | |
Authentication | There was an error authenticating the username and/or password. | |
ConnectionRefused | The connection was actively refused by the socket. | |
Fail | There was a catastrophic failure during the connection process. | |
HostNameResolutionError | The specified host name could not be resolved. | |
ICAuthDisabled | IC authentication is disabled. | |
IntegratedWindowsAuthDisabled | Windows authentication is disabled. | |
InvalidParameterValues | There were invalid parameters for the connect request. | |
InvalidSessionId | The Session ID is invalid. | |
LoginTimeout | The login request exceeded the timeout period. | |
NoRights | The required rights are unavailable. | |
NoServerFound | There was no server found. | |
RemoteAtLocal | Local logins to remote stations are not permitted. | |
RequiredLicenseNotAssigned | The license required to perform the requested operation is unavailable. | |
ServerTooBusy | The server is currently too busy to accept a new session. | |
SessionRefusedBy | The session has been refused by the server. | |
Socket | A non-specific socket error occurred. | |
SocketConnectionTimedOut | The connection attempt timed out, or the connected host has failed to respond. | |
StationInactive | The specified station is marked inactive. | |
UnknownStation | The specified station is not known. | |
UnknownUser | The specified user name is not known. | |
Unspecified | An unknown error occurred. |