The HierarchicalQuerySettings<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum, TQueryChildrenSettings>)>)> type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyChildQueries
Gets the child query settings.
Public propertyFilterDefinition
Gets the filter definition.
(Inherited from QuerySettings<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public propertyLanguage
Gets the language.
(Inherited from QuerySettings<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public propertyPropertiesInQuery
Gets the properties of the object that are to be included in the query results.
(Inherited from QuerySettings<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public propertyResultCountLimit
Gets the result count limit or nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if the results are unlimited.
(Inherited from QuerySettings<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public propertyRightsFilters
Gets the list of rights that will filter the search results.
(Inherited from QuerySettings<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public propertySortDefinition
Gets the sort definition.
(Inherited from QuerySettings<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public propertyStartAtRecordNumber
Gets the starting record number of the query results that will be returned.
(Inherited from QuerySettings<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)

Collapse imageSee Also