The ININ.IceLib.Configuration.Validators namespace contains classes that provide support to the classes in the ININ.IceLib.Configuration namespace. Examples of the supporting classes are enumerations, event argument classes, and delegates used by events within classes.

Collapse imageClasses

Public classAcgTreeValidator
Represents ACG Tree validator.
Public classAnalyzerKeywordCountValueValidator
Represents Analyzer keyword count values validator. This validator verifies that the number of keywords does not exceed the maximum number of keywords.
Public classAnalyzerPronunciationValueValidator
Represents Analyzer pronunciation values validator. This validator validates that a given pronunciation is valid.
Public classAnalyzerWordValueValidator
Represents Analyzer keyword values validator. This validator validates that a given analyzer word is a valid word.
Public classAttendantProfileValidator
Represents Attendant Profile validator. This validator validates that a given attendant profile must exist.
Public classCharacterDelimitedValueValidator
Represents character delimited value validator. This validator validates that a given character delimited value matches the number of expected elements and each of the values in it is valid.
Public classCollectionCountValidator
Represents a configuration value collection count validator. This validator validates that a given collection contains the appropriate number of items.
Public classCollectionItemValidator
Represents a configuration value collection item validator. This validator validates each collection item with its appropriate validator.
Public classExistingAttributeValueValidator
Represents a configuration value existing attribute value validator. This validator validates that a given attribute must exist.
Public classExistingExtensionValidator
Represents and existing extension validator. This validator validates that a given extension must exist within either a User, Workgroup, Station or StationGroup.
Public classExistingInstanceIdValidator
Represents a configuration value existing instance ID validator. This validator validates that a given instance ID must exist.
Public classExistingInstanceIdWithAttributeValueValidator
Represents an existing instance ID with attribute value validator. This validator validates that a given instance ID exists and has an attribute with specific values.
Public classExistingLanguageValuesValidator
Represents an existing language code validation object. This object validates that a given language code must exist.
Public classExtensionValidator
Represents an Extension validator. This validator validates that a given extension does not already exist.
Public classInvalidCharacterValidator
Represents Invalid Character validator. This validator validates that a given value does not contain invalid characters.
Public classInvalidMailboxFolderValidator
Represents the invalid mailbox folder validator. This validator indicates that a the specified mailbox folder is not valid.
Public classMultipleOfValidator
Represents Multiple Of validator. This validator validates that a given value can be equally divided by the provided MultipleOf value.
Public classMutuallyExclusiveValueValidator
Represents a configuration mutually exclusive value validator. This validator validates that a given attribute cannot be set if other conflicting attributes are also set.
Public classPropertyNotApplicableValidator
Represents property not applicable validator. This validator indicates that a property is applicable with the current configuration.
Public classRangeFloatValidator
Represents a configuration value range float validator. This validator validates that a given float value falls within a specific range.
Public classRangeValidator
Represents a configuration value range validator. This validator validates that a given value falls within a specified range.
Public classRecorderPolicyAnalyzerKeywordCountValueValidator
Represents Analyzer keyword count values validator for Recorder Policies. This validator verifies that the number of keywords assigned to a Recorder Policy does not exceed the maximum number of keywords.
Public classReferenceCountValidator
Represents a reference count validator. This validator validates that a given attribute value is only referenced the appropriate number of times.
Public classRegularExpressionValidator
Represents a configuration value regular expression validator. This validator validates that a given value matches a specified regular expression.
Public classRequiredAttributeValidator
Represents a configuration attribute required value validator. This validator validates that an attribute must be specified.
Public classRequiredValueValidator
Represents a configuration value required value validator. This validator validates that a value must be specified.
Public classScheduleEndDateTimeValidator
Represents the schedule end date/time validator. This validator validates that a given end date or end time is less than the start date if it is specified.
Public classStringLengthValidator
Represents a configuration value string length validator. This validator validates that a given string must be within a specific length.
Public classUniqueAttributeValueValidator
Represents a configuration value unique instance ID validator. This validator validates that a given attribute value is unique across all attributes of the same type.
Public classUniqueInstanceIdValidator
Represents a configuration value unique instance ID validator. This validator validates that a given value must be unique across all objects of the same type.
Public classValidationGroupValidator
Represents a group of validators.
Public classValidator
Represents a configuration value validator.
Public classValidFormatValidator
Represents a configuration value format validator. This validator validates that a given value is in a valid format.
Public classValidValuesValidator
Represents a configuration value valid values validator. This validator validates that a given value falls within its valid values.
Public classWorkgroupAnalyzerKeywordCountValueValidator
Represents workgroup Analyzer keyword count values validator. This validator verifies that the number of keywords assigned to a workgroup does not exceed the maximum number of keywords.

Collapse imageEnumerations

Public enumerationValidationGroupValidator..::..ValidationLogicalOperator
Specifies what type of logical operator this ValidationGroup will use to combine its child validators.

Collapse imageVersion Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 GA and beyond.
For 3.0, supported for IC Server version 3.0 SU 6 and beyond.