The FaxStatus type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyCode
Gets the FaxStatusCode that described the current status of the Fax.
Public propertyDetails
Gets details about the current status of the Fax.
Public propertyDetailsExtended
Gets additional details about the current status of the Fax.
Public propertyEnvelopeId
Gets the identifier of the Fax being processed.
Public propertyHoldingUntilTime
Gets the time until the fax will be sent, if holding.
Public propertyPagesTransmitted
Gets the number of pages transmitted so far.
Public propertyRecipientFax
Gets fax number used to contact the recipient.
Public propertyRecipientName
Gets the intended recipient of the Fax.
Public propertyRetryCount
Gets the number of attempts made to send the Fax.
Public propertyTimeSent
Gets the Date and Time a Fax was sent.

Collapse imageSee Also