Represents a list of watched user statuses (UserStatus).

Namespace: ININ.IceLib.People
Assembly: ININ.IceLib.People (in ININ.IceLib.People.dll) Version: (

Collapse imageSyntax

public class UserStatusList
Visual Basic
Public Class UserStatusList

Collapse imageRemarks

This class allows you to start, stop, and change watches on the user status for a number of users. To start a watch for an array of users, call StartWatching(array<String>[]()[][]) or StartWatchingAsync(array<String>[]()[][], AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) methods with an array of user IDs. When the asynchronous start watch operation completes, the completedCallback delegate is invoked.

You can change the users for which you want to monitor their status by calling the ChangeWatchedUsers(array<String>[]()[][], array<String>[]()[][], Boolean) or ChangeWatchedUsersAsync(array<String>[]()[][], array<String>[]()[][], Boolean, AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) methods and passing an array of user IDs. When the asynchronous change watch operation completes, the completedCallback delegate is invoked.

You can stop watching user status by calling the StopWatching()()()() or StopWatchingAsync(AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) methods. When the asynchronous stop watch operation completes the completedCallback delegate is invoked.

To get the list of watched user status, call the GetList()()()() method. An InvalidOperationException is raised if a watch is not in progress.

When a user status changes, the WatchedObjectsChanged event is triggered, providing information on the user status that has changed.

Calling StartWatching(array<String>[]()[][]) or StartWatchingAsync(array<String>[]()[][], AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) when a watch has already been started, or calling ChangeWatchedUsers(array<String>[]()[][], array<String>[]()[][], Boolean), ChangeWatchedUsersAsync(array<String>[]()[][], array<String>[]()[][], Boolean, AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object), StopWatching()()()(), or StopWatchingAsync(AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object) when a watch is not in progress raises the InvalidOperationException.

The asynchronous methods are preferred since the start, change, and stop watch can be lengthy operations.

Collapse imageInheritance Hierarchy


Collapse imageVersion Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 GA and beyond.
For 3.0, supported for IC Server version 3.0 GA and beyond.

Collapse imageSee Also