The FaxServerSettings type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAnswerTimeout
The number of seconds the server will wait for an answer from a remote Fax machine before marking a send operation as failed.
Public propertyAnswerTimeoutValid
Indicates if a value is actually specified for the AnswerTimeout property.
Public propertyCoverPages
The names of all cover page templates defined on the server.
Public propertyDefaultCoverPage
The cover page template used to generate a cover page for all outgoing faxes.
Public propertyDefaultFaxGroup
The Fax group used when sending outgoing Faxes.
Public propertyDefaultFromCompany
The company of the originating party sending a Fax.
Public propertyDefaultFromFax
The Fax number of the originating party sending a Fax.
Public propertyDefaultFromName
The name used to identify the originating party of a Fax.
Public propertyDefaultFromVoice
The voice number of the originating party sending a Fax.
Public propertyFaxGroups
The names of all Fax groups defined on the server.
Public propertyPageHeader
The text displayed at the top of all Faxed pages.
Public propertyRetryAttempts
The maximum number of times a send operation should be tried if the initial attempt fails.
Public propertyRetryAttemptsValid
Indicates if a value is actually specified for the RetryAttempts property.
Public propertyRetryDelay
The number of seconds the server will wait before trying a failed send operation again.
Public propertyRetryDelayValid
Indicates if a value is actually specified for the RetryDelay property.
Public propertyStationId
The station number displayed on the receiving Fax station’s display window and Fax log.
Public propertyTransmissionSpeed
The maximum transmission rate to use when executing Fax send operations.
Public propertyTransmissionSpeedValid
Indicates if a value is actually specified for the TransmissionSpeed property.

Collapse imageSee Also