IceLib 2016 R2 includes a number of features that have been added, improved, and changed. Each namespace in IceLib is broken out to list each of these changes, to make it easier to find places where existing IceLib integrations may need to be updated for major breaking changes, or places where integrations could be enhanced to use newly introduced features.

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Collapse imageConnection

New GetAuthenticationToken()()()() and GetAuthenticationTokenAsync(EventHandler<(Of <<'(GetAuthenticationTokenCompletedEventArgs>)>>), Object) methods were added to allow IceLib-based applications to retrieve the Authentication Token and Authentication Seed associated with the logged in user's session. These values can then be used to create an Interaction Center Web Service (ICWS) connection based off of the IceLib-based application's logged in user.

The GetAuthenticationTokenResult and GetAuthenticationTokenCompletedEventArgs objects were added to hold the Authentication Token and Authentication Seed return values from the GetAuthenticationToken and GetAuthenticationTokenAsync methods.

Collapse imageConfiguration

Basic configuration support for MRCP Servers have been added and can be accessed via the MrcpServerConfigurationList and MrcpServerConfiguration objects.

A new MrcpServerList administrative rights property was added to support the MrcpServerConfiguration object.

New CreateModifyCampaignGroup, ManualTransitionSequence, and ModifyCampaignGroupSequence properties were added to provide additional support to security rights configuration.

Collapse imageDocumentation

A new Certificate Validation concept page was updated to include details on how to enable client-side validation of server certificates for IceLib-based applications, as well as how to configure the certificates.