The LicenseNameAttributes type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageFields

Public fieldStatic memberCICFeatureVersion
This is a feature license that provides the session user with the Contact Interaction Center (CIC) set of functionality.
Public fieldStatic memberCommuniteFeatureVersion
This is a feature license that provides the session user with the Communité set of functionality.
Public fieldStatic memberEICFeatureVersion
This is a feature license that provides the session user with the Enterprise Interaction Center (EIC) set of functionality.
Public fieldStatic memberOperatorClientAccess
This is a license that provides the session user access to the Interaction Client - Operator Edition.
Public fieldStatic memberOptimizerAccess
This is a license that provides the session user access to the Optimizer Plugin.
Public fieldStatic memberRecorderAdvancedFeature
This is a feature license that provides the session user with advanced Recorder functionality.
Public fieldStatic memberRecorderBaseFeature
This is a feature license that provides the session user with the Recorder functionality.
Public fieldStatic memberReportAssistantSupervisorPluginAccess
This is license that provides access to the session user for the supervisor report assistant reporting plugin.
Public fieldStatic memberSICFeatureVersion
This is a feature license that provides the session user with the Service Interaction Center (SIC) set of functionality.
Public fieldStatic memberTrackerAccess
This is a license that provides the session user access to the Tracker Plugin.

Collapse imageSee Also