IceLib 2016 R1 includes a number of features that have been added, improved, and changed. Each namespace in IceLib is broken out to list each of these changes, to make it easier to find places where existing IceLib integrations may need to be updated for major breaking changes, or places where integrations could be enhanced to use newly introduced features.

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The IceLib Single Sign-On implementation was extended to support 3rd party browser-based Identity Providers via a new pop-up browser window. As part of these changes, a new Browser enumeration value was added to distinguish Identity Providers that are configured to use a browser window. For compatibility purposes, IceLib-based applications are required to opt-in to seeing these Identity Providers. This can be done by specifying the application's supported AuthenticationFields to the GetAllowableAuthentications(AllowableAuthenticationsParameters) method with the SupportedAuthenticationFields property. Other supporting API elements were added for this new feature as well, including the CustomFormAuthScriptableClass and SingleSignOnRequestData classes, and a new HandleTryPromptForBrowserCredentials(SingleSignOnRequestData) method. Additionally, the Connecting to the Server concept page was updated to include sample IceLib code to show how to utilize this new functionality.

To help accommodate filtering Identity Providers with the new Browser enumeration value, and to allow for future growth, the GetAllowableAuthentications(AllowableAuthenticationsParameters) overload was added.

As a performance improvement, the ability to retrieve cached allowable authentications has been added via the GetCachedAllowableAuthentications(CachedAllowableAuthenticationsParameters) method. This was added to give IceLib-based applications the ability to retrieve the last known configured AllowableAuthentications for a specified host without having to first contact the IC Server.