| Name | Description |
 | SetMonthlyScheduleRecurrence(Date, Collection<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)) |
Sets a monthly schedule that runs all day on specific dates and has no end date.
 | SetMonthlyScheduleRecurrence(Date, Date, Collection<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>)) |
Sets a monthly schedule that runs all day on specific dates.
 | SetMonthlyScheduleRecurrence(Date, RecurrenceRelativeMonthlyType, RecurrenceRelativeDayType) |
Sets a monthly schedule that runs all day on a relative day and has no end date.
 | SetMonthlyScheduleRecurrence(Date, Date, RecurrenceRelativeMonthlyType, RecurrenceRelativeDayType) |
Sets a monthly schedule that runs all day on a relative day.
 | SetMonthlyScheduleRecurrence(Date, Collection<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>), Time, Time) |
Sets a monthly schedule that runs on specific dates and has no end date.
 | SetMonthlyScheduleRecurrence(Date, Date, Collection<(Of <<'(Int32>)>>), Time, Time) |
Sets a monthly schedule that runs on specific dates.
 | SetMonthlyScheduleRecurrence(Date, RecurrenceRelativeMonthlyType, RecurrenceRelativeDayType, Time, Time) |
Sets a monthly schedule that runs on a relative day and has no end date.
 | SetMonthlyScheduleRecurrence(Date, Date, RecurrenceRelativeMonthlyType, RecurrenceRelativeDayType, Time, Time) |
Sets a monthly schedule that runs on a relative day.