IceLib 2016 R4 includes a number of features that have been added, improved, and changed. Each namespace in IceLib is broken out to list each of these changes, to make it easier to find places where existing IceLib integrations may need to be updated for major breaking changes, or places where integrations could be enhanced to use newly introduced features.

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Collapse imageConnection

To support the new password policy enhacements, the PasswordPolicy class has been updated to support the following new properties: MinimumLowercaseCharacters, MinimumNumericCharacters, MinimumSpecialCharacters, MinimumUppercaseCharacters, and SpecialCharacters.

Collapse imageConfiguration

A new MutuallyExclusiveValueValidator class was added to support a new validation error type. This validation error type is currently used when both AllowAcdCalls and IsForward are set to true, or when both AllowFollowUp and IsPersistent are set to true.

Collapse imageInteractions

All Interaction-derived classes have been enhanced to allow retreiving of watched attributes in a way that will not throw an NotCachedException if the attribute is not being watched (other exceptions will contine to be thrown). The following methods were added:

Collapse imagePeople

A new GetActivationList(String) method was added to allow retrieving of the the cached workgroup activations.