The InteractionSegment type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAccountCode
Gets or sets the account code. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyApplicationIncidentId
Gets or sets the application incident ID. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyConferenceId
Gets or sets the conference ID. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyDateOffset
Gets or sets the date offset. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyDirection
Gets or sets the direction. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyDuration
Gets or sets the duration. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyEmailCc
Gets or sets the email CC. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyEmailPriority
Gets or sets the email priority. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyEmailSubject
Gets or sets the email subject. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyId
Gets or sets the ID. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyInteractionInstantiatedDateTime
Gets or sets the interaction instantiated date time. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyIsPrivate
Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is private. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyModifyDateTime
Gets or sets the modify date time. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyNextInteractionId
Gets or sets the next interaction ID. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyPreviousInteractionId
Gets or sets the previous interaction ID. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertySegmentLog
Gets or sets the segment log. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertySegmentTypes
Gets or sets the segment type. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertySiteId
Gets or sets the site ID. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyStartDateTime
Gets or sets the start date time. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyTypeId
Gets or sets the type ID. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyVersion
Gets or sets the version. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)
Public propertyWorkgroup
Gets or sets the workgroup. (Can be nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).)

Collapse imageSee Also