The ReverseWhitepagesIndividualInfo type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageConstructors

Public methodReverseWhitepagesIndividualInfo
Initializes a new instance of the ReverseWhitepagesIndividualInfo class

Collapse imageMethods

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyApplicationId
Gets or sets the application ID.
Public propertyAssistantName
Gets or sets the assistant name.
Public propertyAssistantPhone
Gets or sets the assistant phone.
Public propertyBusinessChat
Gets or sets the business chat URL.
Public propertyBusinessCity
Gets or sets the business City.
Public propertyBusinessCountry
Gets or sets the business Country.
Public propertyBusinessEmail
Gets or sets the business email address.
Public propertyBusinessFax
Gets or sets the business fax.
Public propertyBusinessMobile
Gets or sets the business mobile.
Public propertyBusinessPager
Gets or sets the business pager.
Public propertyBusinessPhone
Gets or sets the business phone.
Public propertyBusinessPhone2
Gets or sets the business phone2.
Public propertyBusinessState
Gets or sets the business State.
Public propertyBusinessStreetAddress
Gets or sets the business street address.
Public propertyBusinessUrl
Gets or sets the business Url (homepage).
Public propertyBusinessZip
Gets or sets the business Zip.
Public propertyCompany
Gets or sets the company.
Public propertyDepartment
Gets or sets the department.
Public propertyExternalId
Gets or sets the external ID.
Public propertyExternalSource
Gets or sets the external source.
Public propertyFirstName
Gets or sets the first name.
Public propertyGender
Gets or sets the gender.
Public propertyHomeChat
Gets or sets the home chat.
Public propertyHomeCity
Gets or sets the home City.
Public propertyHomeCountry
Gets or sets the home Country.
Public propertyHomeEmail
Gets or sets the home email.
Public propertyHomeFax
Gets or sets the home fax.
Public propertyHomeMobile
Gets or sets the home mobile.
Public propertyHomePager
Gets or sets the home pager.
Public propertyHomePhone
Gets or sets the home phone.
Public propertyHomePhone2
Gets or sets the home phone2.
Public propertyHomeState
Gets or sets the home State.
Public propertyHomeStreetAddress
Gets or sets the home street address.
Public propertyHomeUrl
Gets or sets the home URL (homepage).
Public propertyHomeZip
Gets or sets the home Zip.
Public propertyICUserId
Gets or sets the IC User ID.
Public propertyImageFile
Gets or sets the image file.
Public propertyIndividualId
Gets or sets the individual ID.
Public propertyIndividualTypeId
Gets or sets the individual type ID.
Public propertyJobTitle
Gets or sets the job title.
Public propertyLastName
Gets or sets the last name.
Public propertyMiddleName
Gets or sets the middle name.
Public propertyRemarks
Gets or sets the remarks.
Public propertyStationName
Gets or sets the station name.
Public propertyTitleId
Gets or sets the title ID.
Public propertyUrl
Gets or sets the URL.
Public propertyWebLogin
Gets or sets the web login.
Public propertyWebPassword
Gets or sets the web password.

Collapse imageSee Also