The TrackerAdmin type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageMethods

Public methodAddAddressType
Adds an AddressType to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddAddressTypeAsync
Asynchronously adds an AddressType to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddIndividualType
Adds an IndividualType to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddIndividualTypeAsync
Asynchronously adds an IndividualType to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddInteractionAddressSubtype
Adds an InteractionAddressSubtype to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddInteractionAddressSubtypeAsync
Asynchronously adds an InteractionAddressSubtype to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddInteractionAddressType
Adds an InteractionAddressType to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddInteractionAddressTypeAsync
Asynchronously adds an InteractionAddressType to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddOrganizationType
Adds an OrganizationType to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddOrganizationTypeAsync
Asynchronously adds an OrganizationType to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddTitle
Adds a Title to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddTitleAsync
Asynchronously adds a Title to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddTrackerAttributeType
Adds a TrackerAttributeType to the Tracker database.
Public methodAddTrackerAttributeTypeAsync
Asynchronously adds a TrackerAttributeType to the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteAddressType
Deletes an AddressType from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteAddressTypeAsync
Asynchronously deletes an AddressType from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteIndividualType
Deletes an IndividualType from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteIndividualTypeAsync
Asynchronously deletes an IndividualType from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteInteractionAddressSubtype
Deletes an InteractionAddressSubtype from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteInteractionAddressSubtypeAsync
Asynchronously deletes an InteractionAddressSubtype from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteInteractionAddressType
Deletes an InteractionAddressType from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteInteractionAddressTypeAsync
Asynchronously deletes an InteractionAddressType from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteOrganizationType
Deletes an OrganizationType from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteOrganizationTypeAsync
Asynchronously deletes an OrganizationType from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteTitle
Deletes a Title from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteTitleAsync
Asynchronously deletes a Title from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteTrackerAttributeType
Deletes a TrackerAttributeType from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteTrackerAttributeTypeAsync
Asynchronously deletes a TrackerAttributeType from the Tracker database.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAddressTypeById
Gets an AddressType by ID.
Public methodGetAddressTypeByIdAsync
Asynchronously gets an AddressType by ID.
Public methodGetAddressTypes
Gets all AddressTypes.
Public methodGetAddressTypesAsync
Asynchronously gets all AddressTypes.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetIndividualTypeById
Gets an IndividualType by ID.
Public methodGetIndividualTypeByIdAsync
Asynchronously gets an IndividualType by ID.
Public methodGetIndividualTypes
Gets all IndividualTypes.
Public methodGetIndividualTypesAsync
Asynchronously gets all IndividualTypes.
Public methodGetInteractionAddressSubtypeById
Gets an InteractionAddressSubtype by ID.
Public methodGetInteractionAddressSubtypeByIdAsync
Asynchronously gets an InteractionAddressSubtype by ID.
Public methodGetInteractionAddressSubtypes
Public methodGetInteractionAddressSubtypesAsync
Asynchronously gets all InteractionAddressSubtypes.
Public methodGetInteractionAddressTypeById
Gets an InteractionAddressType by ID.
Public methodGetInteractionAddressTypeByIdAsync
Asynchronously gets an InteractionAddressType by ID.
Public methodGetInteractionAddressTypes
Public methodGetInteractionAddressTypesAsync
Asynchronously gets all InteractionAddressTypes.
Public methodGetOrganizationTypeById
Gets an OrganizationType by ID.
Public methodGetOrganizationTypeByIdAsync
Asynchronously gets an OrganizationType by ID.
Public methodGetOrganizationTypes
Gets all OrganizationTypes.
Public methodGetOrganizationTypesAsync
Asynchronously gets all OrganizationTypes.
Public methodGetTitleById
Gets a Title by ID.
Public methodGetTitleByIdAsync
Asynchronously gets a Title by ID.
Public methodGetTitles
Gets all Titles.
Public methodGetTitlesAsync
Asynchronously gets all Title.
Public methodGetTrackerAttributeTypeById
Gets a TrackerAttributeType by ID.
Public methodGetTrackerAttributeTypeByIdAsync
Asynchronously gets a TrackerAttributeType by ID.
Public methodGetTrackerAttributeTypes
Public methodGetTrackerAttributeTypesAsync
Asynchronously gets all TrackerAttributeTypes.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodICUserModified
Marks an IC user as modified.
Public methodICUserModifiedAsync
Asynchronously marks an IC user as modified.
Public methodImportICUsers
Imports the IC users.
Public methodImportICUsersAsync
Asynchronously imports the IC users.
Public methodIsUnknownOrSystemIndividual
Determines whether the specific Individual is unknown or a system Individual.
Public methodIsUnknownOrSystemIndividualAsync
Asynchronously determines whether the specific Individual is unknown or a system Individual.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdateAddressType
Updates an AddressType.
Public methodUpdateAddressTypeAsync
Asynchronously updates an AddressType.
Public methodUpdateIndividualType
Updates an IndividualType.
Public methodUpdateIndividualTypeAsync
Asynchronously updates an IndividualType.
Public methodUpdateInteractionAddressSubtype
Public methodUpdateInteractionAddressSubtypeAsync
Asynchronously updates an InteractionAddressSubtype.
Public methodUpdateInteractionAddressType
Public methodUpdateInteractionAddressTypeAsync
Asynchronously updates an InteractionAddressType.
Public methodUpdateOrganizationType
Updates an OrganizationType.
Public methodUpdateOrganizationTypeAsync
Asynchronously updates an OrganizationType.
Public methodUpdateTitle
Updates a Title.
Public methodUpdateTitleAsync
Asynchronously updates a Title.
Public methodUpdateTrackerAttributeType
Public methodUpdateTrackerAttributeTypeAsync
Asynchronously updates a TrackerAttributeType.
Public methodUpdateUserSecurity
Updates the security for an IC user.
Public methodUpdateUserSecurityAsync
Asynchronously updates the security for an IC user.

Collapse imageSee Also