The AnalyzerKeywordConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAgentScore
Provides access to the property representing the agent score for this keyword (use Property.AgentScore).
Public propertyChanged
Indicates if this object has been modified since it was retrieved from the server.
(Inherited from EditableListConfigurationObject<(Of <(<'TPropertyEnum>)>)>.)
Public propertyConfigurationId
Gets the configuration ID. (Use Property.Id and Property.DisplayName to filter or sort on this property.)
(Inherited from ListConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyCustomerScore
Provides access to the property representing the customer score for this keyword (use Property.CustomerScore).
Public propertyIsNewObject
Gets a value indicating whether this object is a new object.
(Inherited from ConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyLanguage
Gets the language.
Public propertyMinimumConfidenceThreshold
Provides access to the property representing the minimum confidence level for this keyword (use Property.MinimumConfidenceThreshold).
Public propertyOriginalConfigurationId
Following a commit, this will be equivalent to the configuration ID that was assigned to this object prior to the commit.
(Inherited from ListConfigurationObject.)
Public propertyPropertiesChanged
Gets the properties that have been changed.
Public propertyUserAntiPronunciations
Provides access to the property representing the anti-words (Words not to be used as a match for this keyword) for this keyword (use Property.UserAntiPronunciations).
Public propertyUserAntiWords
Provides access to the property representing the non-matching keyword value(s) (use Property.AltPhoneticSpelling).
Public propertyUserPronunciations
Provides access to the property representing the alternate phonetic spellings for this keyword (use Property.AltPhoneticSpelling).
Public propertyUserWords
Provides access to the property representing the keyword value(s) (use Property.UserWords).

Collapse imageSee Also