The ININ.IceLib.Configuration.ResponseManagement namespace contains classes that provide support for retreiving and updating response management documents.

Collapse imageClasses

Public classResponseManagementCategoryDocumentItem
Contains information about a response management category document item that is contained within a ResponseManagementDocument.
Public classResponseManagementDocument
Contains information about a response management document.
Public classResponseManagementDocumentItem
Contains base information about a response management document item that is contained within a ResponseManagementDocument.
Public classResponseManagementDocumentReference
Contains information about a response management document reference item that is contained within a ResponseManagementDocument.
Public classResponseManagementEntryDocumentItem
Contains information about a response management entry document item that is contained within a ResponseManagementDocument.

Collapse imageInterfaces

Public interfaceIResponseManagementDocumentItemContainer
Provides an interface for working with objects that can be a container for ResponseManagementDocumentItem objects.

Collapse imageEnumerations

Public enumerationResponseManagementEntryDocumentItemType
Represents the possible response management entry document item types from a ResponseManagementEntryDocumentItem.

Collapse imageVersion Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 SU 2 and beyond.