| Name | Description |
 | AddAnnotation | |
 | AddAnnotationAsync | |
 | AddIndividual | |
 | AddIndividualAddress | |
 | AddIndividualAddressAsync | |
 | AddIndividualAsync | |
 | AddIndividualInteractionAddress | |
 | AddIndividualInteractionAddressAsync | |
 | AddLocation | |
 | AddLocationAddress | |
 | AddLocationAddressAsync | |
 | AddLocationAsync | |
 | AddLocationInteractionAddress | |
 | AddLocationInteractionAddressAsync | |
 | AddOrganization | |
 | AddOrganizationAddress | |
 | AddOrganizationAddressAsync | |
 | AddOrganizationAsync | |
 | AddOrganizationInteractionAddress | |
 | AddOrganizationInteractionAddressAsync | |
 | AddUpdateIndividualTrackerAttribute | |
 | AddUpdateIndividualTrackerAttributeAsync | |
 | AddUpdateInteractionTrackerAttribute | |
 | AddUpdateInteractionTrackerAttributeAsync |
Asynchronously adds or updates a TrackerAttribute for an interaction.
If the TrackerAttribute exists for this interaction,
it is updated. Otherwise it is added.
 | AddUpdateLocationTrackerAttribute | |
 | AddUpdateLocationTrackerAttributeAsync | |
 | AddUpdateOrganizationTrackerAttribute | |
 | AddUpdateOrganizationTrackerAttributeAsync | |
 | CanViewInteraction |
Determines whether the specified interaction can be viewed by the current Individual.
 | CanViewInteractionAsync |
Asynchronously determines whether the specified interaction can be viewed by the current Individual.
 | DeleteAnnotation | |
 | DeleteAnnotationAsync |
Asynchronously deletes the Annotation from the Tracker database.
 | DeleteIndividual | |
 | DeleteIndividualAddress | |
 | DeleteIndividualAddressAsync | |
 | DeleteIndividualAsync |
Asynchronously deletes the Individual from the Tracker database.
 | DeleteIndividualInteractionAddress | |
 | DeleteIndividualInteractionAddressAsync | |
 | DeleteIndividualTrackerAttribute | |
 | DeleteIndividualTrackerAttributeAsync | |
 | DeleteInteractionTrackerAttribute | |
 | DeleteInteractionTrackerAttributeAsync |
Asynchronously deletes the interaction TrackerAttribute from the Tracker database.
 | DeleteLocation |
Deletes the Location from the Tracker database.
 | DeleteLocationAddress | |
 | DeleteLocationAddressAsync | |
 | DeleteLocationAsync |
Asynchronously deletes the Location from the Tracker database.
 | DeleteLocationInteractionAddress | |
 | DeleteLocationInteractionAddressAsync | |
 | DeleteLocationTrackerAttribute | |
 | DeleteLocationTrackerAttributeAsync | |
 | DeleteOrganization | |
 | DeleteOrganizationAddress | |
 | DeleteOrganizationAddressAsync | |
 | DeleteOrganizationAsync |
Asynchronously deletes the Organization from the Tracker database.
 | DeleteOrganizationInteractionAddress | |
 | DeleteOrganizationInteractionAddressAsync | |
 | DeleteOrganizationTrackerAttribute | |
 | DeleteOrganizationTrackerAttributeAsync | |
 | Equals | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | Finalize | Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetAllMultipartAccountCodes |
Gets all MultipartAccountCodes.
 | GetAllMultipartAccountCodesAsync |
Asynchronously gets all MultipartAccountCodes.
 | GetCurrentSegmentOrganizationIndividual |
Gets the current segment information for an interaction.
 | GetCurrentSegmentOrganizationIndividualAsync |
Asynchronously gets the current segment information for an interaction.
 | GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetICUserIndividualInformation | |
 | GetICUserIndividualInformationAsync | |
 | GetIndividualDetails | |
 | GetIndividualDetailsAsync | |
 | GetIndividualMultipartAccountCodeMRUList | |
 | GetIndividualMultipartAccountCodeMRUListAsync | |
 | GetIndividualMultipartAccountCodes | |
 | GetIndividualMultipartAccountCodesAsync | |
 | GetInheritedIndividualAddress | |
 | GetInheritedIndividualAddressAsync | |
 | GetInheritedIndividualInteractionAddress | |
 | GetInheritedIndividualInteractionAddressAsync | |
 | GetInheritedLocationAddress | |
 | GetInheritedLocationAddressAsync | |
 | GetInheritedLocationInteractionAddress | |
 | GetInheritedLocationInteractionAddressAsync | |
 | GetInteractionDetails |
Gets the interaction details.
 | GetInteractionDetailsAsync |
Asynchronously gets the interaction details.
 | GetLocationDetails | |
 | GetLocationDetailsAsync |
Asynchronously gets the Location details.
 | GetLocationNamesByName | |
 | GetLocationNamesByNameAsync | |
 | GetLocationNamesByOrganizationId | |
 | GetLocationNamesByOrganizationIdAsync | |
 | GetOrganizationById | |
 | GetOrganizationByIdAsync | |
 | GetOrganizationDetails | |
 | GetOrganizationDetailsAsync | |
 | GetOrganizationNamesByName | |
 | GetOrganizationNamesByNameAsync | |
 | GetPossibleDuplicateIndividual | |
 | GetPossibleDuplicateIndividualAsync |
Asynchronously gets the possible duplicate Individual.
 | GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | GetUsersCanViewInteractionOn | |
 | GetUsersCanViewInteractionOnAsync | |
 | ICUserModified |
Marks an IC user as modified.
 | ICUserModifiedAsync |
Asynchronously marks an IC user as modified.
 | IsUnknownOrSystemIndividual | |
 | IsUnknownOrSystemIndividualAsync | |
 | MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | SetIndividualImages |
Sets the image file for all IC users.
 | SetIndividualImagesAsync |
Asynchronously sets the image file for all IC users.
 | SetIndividualUrls |
Sets the individual URLs.
 | SetIndividualUrlsAsync |
Asynchronously sets individual URLs.
 | ToString | Returns a String that represents the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) |
 | UpdateAnnotation | |
 | UpdateAnnotationAsync | |
 | UpdateApplicationIncidentId |
Updates the application incident ID.
 | UpdateApplicationIncidentIdAsync |
Asynchronously updates the application incident ID.
 | UpdateIndividual | |
 | UpdateIndividualAddress | |
 | UpdateIndividualAddressAsync | |
 | UpdateIndividualAsync | |
 | UpdateIndividualInteractionAddress | |
 | UpdateIndividualInteractionAddressAsync | |
 | UpdateLocation | |
 | UpdateLocationAddress | |
 | UpdateLocationAddressAsync | |
 | UpdateLocationAsync | |
 | UpdateLocationInteractionAddress | |
 | UpdateLocationInteractionAddressAsync | |
 | UpdateOrganization | |
 | UpdateOrganizationAddress | |
 | UpdateOrganizationAddressAsync | |
 | UpdateOrganizationAsync | |
 | UpdateOrganizationInteractionAddress | |
 | UpdateOrganizationInteractionAddressAsync | |
 | UpdateUserSecurity |
Updates the user security.
 | UpdateUserSecurityAsync |
Asynchronously updates the user security.