The TrackerUser type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageConstructors

Public methodTrackerUser
Initializes a new instance of the TrackerUser class.

Collapse imageMethods

Public methodAddAnnotation
Adds the Annotation.
Public methodAddAnnotationAsync
Asynchronously adds the Annotation.
Public methodAddIndividual
Adds the Individual.
Public methodAddIndividualAddress
Adds the IndividualAddress.
Public methodAddIndividualAddressAsync
Asynchronously adds the IndividualAddress.
Public methodAddIndividualAsync
Asynchronously adds the Individual.
Public methodAddIndividualInteractionAddress
Public methodAddIndividualInteractionAddressAsync
Asynchronously adds the IndividualInteractionAddress.
Public methodAddLocation
Adds the Location.
Public methodAddLocationAddress
Adds the LocationAddress.
Public methodAddLocationAddressAsync
Asynchronously adds the LocationAddress.
Public methodAddLocationAsync
Asynchronously adds the Location.
Public methodAddLocationInteractionAddress
Public methodAddLocationInteractionAddressAsync
Asynchronously adds the LocationInteractionAddress.
Public methodAddOrganization
Adds the Organization.
Public methodAddOrganizationAddress
Public methodAddOrganizationAddressAsync
Asynchronously adds the OrganizationAddress.
Public methodAddOrganizationAsync
Asynchronously adds the Organization.
Public methodAddOrganizationInteractionAddress
Public methodAddOrganizationInteractionAddressAsync
Asynchronously adds the OrganizationInteractionAddress.
Public methodAddUpdateIndividualTrackerAttribute
Adds a TrackerAttribute for an Individual. If the TrackerAttribute exists for this Individual, it is updated. Otherwise it is added.
Public methodAddUpdateIndividualTrackerAttributeAsync
Asynchronously adds a TrackerAttribute for an Individual. If the TrackerAttribute exists, then it is updated, otherwise it is added.
Public methodAddUpdateInteractionTrackerAttribute
Adds or updates a TrackerAttribute for an interaction. If the TrackerAttribute exists for this interaction, it is updated. Otherwise it is added.
Public methodAddUpdateInteractionTrackerAttributeAsync
Asynchronously adds or updates a TrackerAttribute for an interaction. If the TrackerAttribute exists for this interaction, it is updated. Otherwise it is added.
Public methodAddUpdateLocationTrackerAttribute
Adds or updates a TrackerAttribute for a Location. If the TrackerAttribute exists Location, it is updated. Otherwise it is added.
Public methodAddUpdateLocationTrackerAttributeAsync
Asynchronously adds or updates a TrackerAttribute for a Location. If the TrackerAttribute exists for this Location, it is updated. Otherwise it is added.
Public methodAddUpdateOrganizationTrackerAttribute
Adds a TrackerAttribute for an Organization. If the TrackerAttribute exists for this Organization, it is updated. Otherwise it is added.
Public methodAddUpdateOrganizationTrackerAttributeAsync
Asynchronously adds a TrackerAttribute for an Organization. If the TrackerAttribute exists for this Organization, it is updated. Otherwise it is added.
Public methodCanViewInteraction
Determines whether the specified interaction can be viewed by the current Individual.
Public methodCanViewInteractionAsync
Asynchronously determines whether the specified interaction can be viewed by the current Individual.
Public methodDeleteAnnotation
Deletes the Annotation from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteAnnotationAsync
Asynchronously deletes the Annotation from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteIndividual
Deletes the Individual from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteIndividualAddress
Deletes the IndividualAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteIndividualAddressAsync
Asynchronously deletes the IndividualAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteIndividualAsync
Asynchronously deletes the Individual from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteIndividualInteractionAddress
Deletes an IndividualInteractionAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteIndividualInteractionAddressAsync
Asynchronously deletes an IndividualInteractionAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteIndividualTrackerAttribute
Deletes the IndividualTrackerAttribute from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteIndividualTrackerAttributeAsync
Asynchronously deletes the IndividualTrackerAttribute from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteInteractionTrackerAttribute
Deletes the interaction TrackerAttribute from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteInteractionTrackerAttributeAsync
Asynchronously deletes the interaction TrackerAttribute from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteLocation
Deletes the Location from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteLocationAddress
Deletes the LocationAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteLocationAddressAsync
Asynchronously deletes the LocationAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteLocationAsync
Asynchronously deletes the Location from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteLocationInteractionAddress
Deletes the LocationInteractionAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteLocationInteractionAddressAsync
Asynchronously deletes the LocationInteractionAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteLocationTrackerAttribute
Deletes the LocationTrackerAttribute from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteLocationTrackerAttributeAsync
Asynchronously deletes the LocationTrackerAttribute from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteOrganization
Deletes the Organization from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteOrganizationAddress
Deletes the OrganizationAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteOrganizationAddressAsync
Asynchronously deletes the OrganizationAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteOrganizationAsync
Asynchronously deletes the Organization from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteOrganizationInteractionAddress
Deletes the OrganizationInteractionAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteOrganizationInteractionAddressAsync
Asynchronously deletes the OrganizationInteractionAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteOrganizationTrackerAttribute
Deletes the OrganizationAddress from the Tracker database.
Public methodDeleteOrganizationTrackerAttributeAsync
Asynchronously deletes the OrganizationTrackerAttribute from the Tracker database.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAllMultipartAccountCodes
Gets all MultipartAccountCodes.
Public methodGetAllMultipartAccountCodesAsync
Asynchronously gets all MultipartAccountCodes.
Public methodGetCurrentSegmentOrganizationIndividual
Gets the current segment information for an interaction.
Public methodGetCurrentSegmentOrganizationIndividualAsync
Asynchronously gets the current segment information for an interaction.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetICUserIndividualInformation
Gets the ICUserIndividualInformation for an Individual.
Public methodGetICUserIndividualInformationAsync
Asynchronously gets the ICUserIndividualInformation.
Public methodGetIndividualDetails
Gets the IndividualDetails.
Public methodGetIndividualDetailsAsync
Asynchronously gets the IndividualDetails.
Public methodGetIndividualMultipartAccountCodeMRUList
Gets the most recently used Multipart account codes for an Individual..
Public methodGetIndividualMultipartAccountCodeMRUListAsync
Asynchronously gets the most recently used Multipart account codes for an Individual..
Public methodGetIndividualMultipartAccountCodes
Public methodGetIndividualMultipartAccountCodesAsync
Public methodGetInheritedIndividualAddress
Gets the inherited IndividualAddress.
Public methodGetInheritedIndividualAddressAsync
Asynchronously gets the inherited IndividualAddress.
Public methodGetInheritedIndividualInteractionAddress
Gets the inherited IndividualInteractionAddress.
Public methodGetInheritedIndividualInteractionAddressAsync
Asynchronously gets the inherited IndividualInteractionAddress.
Public methodGetInheritedLocationAddress
Gets the inherited LocationAddress.
Public methodGetInheritedLocationAddressAsync
Asynchronously gets the inherited LocationAddress.
Public methodGetInheritedLocationInteractionAddress
Gets the inherited LocationInteractionAddress.
Public methodGetInheritedLocationInteractionAddressAsync
Asynchronously gets the inherited LocationInteractionAddress.
Public methodGetInteractionDetails
Gets the interaction details.
Public methodGetInteractionDetailsAsync
Asynchronously gets the interaction details.
Public methodGetLocationDetails
Gets the LocationDetails details.
Public methodGetLocationDetailsAsync
Asynchronously gets the Location details.
Public methodGetLocationNamesByName
Gets the LocationNames by name.
Public methodGetLocationNamesByNameAsync
Asynchronously gets the LocationNames by name.
Public methodGetLocationNamesByOrganizationId
Gets the LocationNames by Organization ID.
Public methodGetLocationNamesByOrganizationIdAsync
Asynchronously gets the Location names by Organization ID.
Public methodGetOrganizationById
Gets the Organization by ID.
Public methodGetOrganizationByIdAsync
Asynchronously gets the Organization by ID.
Public methodGetOrganizationDetails
Public methodGetOrganizationDetailsAsync
Asynchronously gets the OrganizationDetails.
Public methodGetOrganizationNamesByName
Gets the Organization names.
Public methodGetOrganizationNamesByNameAsync
Asynchronously gets the Organization names.
Public methodGetPossibleDuplicateIndividual
Gets the possible duplicate Individual.
Public methodGetPossibleDuplicateIndividualAsync
Asynchronously gets the possible duplicate Individual.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetUsersCanViewInteractionOn
Gets the ICUserIds that can view interactions for the given Location and Organization.
Public methodGetUsersCanViewInteractionOnAsync
Asynchronously gets the ICUserIds that can view interactions for the given Location and Organization.
Public methodICUserModified
Marks an IC user as modified.
Public methodICUserModifiedAsync
Asynchronously marks an IC user as modified.
Public methodIsUnknownOrSystemIndividual
Determines whether the specific Individual is unknown or a system Individual.
Public methodIsUnknownOrSystemIndividualAsync
Asynchronously determines whether the specific Individual is unknown or a system Individual.
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetIndividualImages
Sets the image file for all IC users.
Public methodSetIndividualImagesAsync
Asynchronously sets the image file for all IC users.
Public methodSetIndividualUrls
Sets the individual URLs.
Public methodSetIndividualUrlsAsync
Asynchronously sets individual URLs.
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdateAnnotation
Updates the Annotation.
Public methodUpdateAnnotationAsync
Asynchronously updates the Annotation.
Public methodUpdateApplicationIncidentId
Updates the application incident ID.
Public methodUpdateApplicationIncidentIdAsync
Asynchronously updates the application incident ID.
Public methodUpdateIndividual
Updates the Individual.
Public methodUpdateIndividualAddress
Updates the IndividualAddress.
Public methodUpdateIndividualAddressAsync
Asynchronously updates the IndividualAddress.
Public methodUpdateIndividualAsync
Asynchronously updates the Individual.
Public methodUpdateIndividualInteractionAddress
Public methodUpdateIndividualInteractionAddressAsync
Asynchronously updates the IndividualInteractionAddress.
Public methodUpdateLocation
Updates the Location.
Public methodUpdateLocationAddress
Updates the LocationAddress.
Public methodUpdateLocationAddressAsync
Asynchronously updates the LocationAddress.
Public methodUpdateLocationAsync
Asynchronously updates the Location.
Public methodUpdateLocationInteractionAddress
Public methodUpdateLocationInteractionAddressAsync
Asynchronously updates the LocationInteractionAddress.
Public methodUpdateOrganization
Updates the Organization.
Public methodUpdateOrganizationAddress
Updates the OrganizationAddress.
Public methodUpdateOrganizationAddressAsync
Asynchronously updates the OrganizationAddress.
Public methodUpdateOrganizationAsync
Asynchronously updates the Organization.
Public methodUpdateOrganizationInteractionAddress
Public methodUpdateOrganizationInteractionAddressAsync
Asynchronously updates the OrganizationInteractionAddress.
Public methodUpdateUserSecurity
Updates the user security.
Public methodUpdateUserSecurityAsync
Asynchronously updates the user security.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyTransactionClient
Gets the TransactionClient.

Collapse imageSee Also