The TransactionData type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyCompletedAction
Gets or sets the completed action to be called when the transaction results are available.
Public propertyForceOutOfBand
Gets or sets a value indicating whether to force receiving the transaction results "out of band".
Public propertyParameters
Gets the Parameters.
Public propertyProcedureName
Gets or sets ProcedureName.
Public propertyResultSet
Gets the ResultSet.
Public propertyReturnCode
Gets or sets ReturnCode.
Public propertyTransactionName
Gets or sets TransactionName.
Public propertyTransactionToken
Gets the transaction token associated with this TransactionData.
Public propertyUserState
Gets or sets extended data to be stored on the transaction data.
Public propertyWarningMessage
Gets or sets WarningMessage.
Public propertyWasOutOfBandUsed
Gets a value indicating whether the transaction results were sent "out of band".

Collapse imageSee Also