The PersonalInformationProperties type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageMethods

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAssistantName
Provides access to the property representing the assistant name for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_AssistantName).
Public propertyCity
Provides access to the property representing the city for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_City).
Public propertyCompanyName
Provides access to the property representing the company name for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_CompanyName).
Public propertyCountry
Provides access to the property representing the country for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_Country).
Public propertyDepartmentName
Provides access to the property representing the department name for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_DepartmentName).
Public propertyEmailAddress
Provides access to the property representing the business email address for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_EmailAddress).
Public propertyEmailAlias
Provides access to the property representing the email alias for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_EmailAlias).
Public propertyGivenName
Provides access to the property representing the given name for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_GivenName).
Public propertyNotes
Provides access to the property representing the personal info notes for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_Notes).
Public propertyOfficeLocation
Provides access to the property representing the business address for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_OfficeLocation).
Public propertyPhoneNumberOfAssistant
Provides access to the property representing the assistant's phone number for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_PhoneNumberOfAssistant).
Public propertyPhoneNumberOfBusiness1
Provides access to the property representing the business number for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_PhoneNumberOfBusiness1).
Public propertyPhoneNumberOfBusiness2
Provides access to the property representing the 2nd business number for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_PhoneNumberOfBusiness2).
Public propertyPhoneNumberOfFax
Provides access to the property representing the fax number for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_PhoneNumberOfFax).
Public propertyPhoneNumberOfHome1
Provides access to the property representing the home number for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_PhoneNumberOfHome1).
Public propertyPhoneNumberOfHome2
Provides access to the property representing the 2nd home number for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_PhoneNumberOfHome2).
Public propertyPhoneNumberOfMobile
Provides access to the property representing the mobile number for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_PhoneNumberOfMobile).
Public propertyPhoneNumberOfPager
Provides access to the property representing the pager number for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_PhoneNumberOfPager).
Public propertyPostalCode
Provides access to the property representing the postal code for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_PostalCode).
Public propertyStateOrProvince
Provides access to the property representing the state/province for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_StateOrProvince).
Public propertyStreetAddress
Provides access to the property representing the street address for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_StreetAddress).
Public propertySurname
Provides access to the property representing the surname for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_Surname).
Public propertyTitle
Provides access to the property representing the title for this user (use Property.PersonalInformation_Title).

Collapse imageSee Also