The UserAdministrativeRightsProperties<(Of <(<'TConfigurationObject, TPropertyEnum>)>)> type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageMethods

Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAccountCodeList
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer account codes (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_AccountCodeList).
Public propertyAccumulatorList
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer accumulators (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_AccumulatorList).
Public propertyActions
Provides access to the property representing the list of action administrative rights for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Actions).
Public propertyAudioSources
Provides access to the property representing the list of audio source rights for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_AudioSources).
Public propertyCanEditAdministrativeRights
Provides access to the property representing the can edit administrative rights for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_CanEditAdministrativeRights).
Public propertyCanPublishClientTemplates
Provides access to the property representing the right to publish client templates (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_CanPublishClientTemplates).
Public propertyClientButtons
Provides access to the property representing the list of client button rights for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_ClientButtons).
Public propertyClientConfigurationConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the client configurations configuration administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_ClientConfigurationConfiguration).
Public propertyClientConfigurationTemplates
Provides access to the property representing the list of client configuration templates the user has rights to (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_ClientConfigurationTemplates).
Public propertyCollective
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer collectives for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Collective).
Public propertyContactListSources
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer contact list sources for this user.(use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_ContactListSources).
Public propertyDataManagerConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer data manager for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_DataManagerConfiguration).
Public propertyDefaultIPPhoneConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer the default ip phone configuration for this user.(use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_DefaultIPPhoneConfiguration).
Public propertyDefaultLocationConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer the default location configuration for this user.(use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_DefaultLocationConfiguration).
Public propertyDefaultStationConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer the default station configuration for this user.(use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_DefaultStationConfiguration).
Public propertyDefaultUserConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the list actions administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_DefaultUserConfiguration).
Public propertyDnisMappingsConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the dnis mappings configuration administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_DnisMappingsConfiguration).
Public propertyEFaq
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer Efaq's for this user.(use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_EFaq).
Public propertyFaxConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer fax configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_FaxConfiguration).
Public propertyFaxGroups
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer fax groups for this user. TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_FaxGroups).
Public propertyHandlers
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer handlers for this user.(use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Handlers).
Public propertyICDataSources
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer IC Datasources for this users.(use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_ICDataSources).
Public propertyImageResources
Provides access to the property representing the image resources administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_ImageResources).
Public propertyInitializationFunctions
Provides access to the property representing the list actions administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InitializationFunctions).
Public propertyInteractionAnalyzerKeywordSets
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer interaction analyzer keyword sets for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionAnalyzerKeywordSets).
Public propertyInteractionConferenceConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer an interaction conference for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionConferenceConfiguration).
Public propertyInteractionConferenceRooms
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer interaction conference rooms for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionConferenceRooms).
Public propertyInteractionDialerCallLists
Provides access to the property representing the list of Dialer Call List rights for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionDialerCallLists).
Public propertyInteractionDialerCampaigns
Provides access to the property representing the list of campaign rights for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionDialerCampaigns).
Public propertyInteractionDialerConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the list of dialer configuration rights for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionDialerConfiguration).
Public propertyInteractionDialerPolicySets
Provides access to the property representing the list of dialer policy sets for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_PolicySets).
Public propertyInteractionDialerRuleSets
Provides access to the property representing the list of dialer rule sets for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_RuleSets).
Public propertyInteractionDialerSchedules
Provides access to the property representing the list of dialer schedule rights for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_DialerSchedules).
Public propertyInteractionDialerScripts
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer scripts (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Scripts).
Public propertyInteractionDialerSkillSets
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer skill sets (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SkillSets).
Public propertyInteractionDialerStageSets
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer stage sets (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_StageSets).
Public propertyInteractionDialerZoneSets
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer zone sets (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_ZoneSets).
Public propertyInteractionFeedbackConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer interaction feedback configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionFeedbackConfiguration).
Public propertyInteractionOptimizerActivityTypesConfiguration Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the right to configure interaction optimizer activity types (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionOptimizerActivityTypesConfiguration).
Public propertyInteractionOptimizerAdvancedConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer interaction optimizer advanced configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionOptimizerAdvancedConfiguration).
Public propertyInteractionOptimizerAgentsConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer interaction optimizer agents configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionOptimizerAgentsConfiguration).
Public propertyInteractionOptimizerDayClassificationsConfiguration Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the list actions administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionOptimizerDayClassificationsConfiguration).
Public propertyInteractionOptimizerForecastsAndSchedulesConfiguration Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer interaction optimizer forecasts and schedules (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionOptimizerForecastsAndSchedulesConfiguration).
Public propertyInteractionOptimizerSchedulingUnits Obsolete.
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer interaction optimizer scheduling units (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionOptimizerSchedulingUnits).
Public propertyInteractionProcessAutomation
Provides access to the property representing the InteractionProcessAutomation administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionProcessAutomation).
Public propertyInteractionProcessorTables
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer interaction processor tables (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionProcessorTables).
Public propertyInteractionRecorderConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer interaction recorder configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionRecorderConfiguration).
Public propertyInteractionTrackerConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the list of action administrative rights for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_InteractionTrackerConfiguration).
Public propertyIPPhoneRegistrationGroups
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer IP phone registration groups (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_IPPhoneRegistrationGroups).
Public propertyIPPhoneRingSets
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer IP phone ring sets (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_IPPhoneRingSets).
Public propertyIPPhones
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer IP phones (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_IPPhones).
Public propertyIPPhoneTemplates
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer IP phone templates (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_IPPhoneTemplates).
Public propertyLayouts
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer layouts (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Layouts).
Public propertyLicensesAllocationConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer License allocation configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_LicensesAllocationConfiguration).
Public propertyLineGroups
Provides access to the property representing the right to configure line groups. (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_LineGroups).
Public propertyLines
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer Lines (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Lines).
Public propertyLocations
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer locations (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Locations).
Public propertyLogRetrievalAssistantConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer the log retrieval assistant configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_LogRetrievalAssistantConfiguration).
Public propertyMailConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer mail configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_MailConfiguration).
Public propertyMasterAdministrator
Provides read-only access to the property representing the master administrator configuration rights (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_MasterAdministrator).
Public propertyMediaServersConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer media server configurations (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_MediaServersConfiguration).
Public propertyMrcpConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer MRCP configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_MRCPConfiguration).
Public propertyMrcpServerList
Provides access to the property representing the list of MRCP server administrative rights for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_MrcpServerList).
Public propertyOcsActiveDirectories
Provides access to the property representing the list of action administrative rights for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_OCSActiveDirectories).
Public propertyOcsConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer OCS configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_OCSConfiguration).
Public propertyOcsStatusMessages
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer OCS status messages (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_OCSStatusMessages).
Public propertyPagingCarriers
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer paging carriers (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_PagingCarriers).
Public propertyPasswordPolicies
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer password policies (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_PasswordPolicies).
Public propertyPasswordPoliciesConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer password policy configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_PasswordPoliciesConfiguration).
Public propertyPeerSitesConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer peer site configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_PeerSitesConfiguration).
Public propertyPhoneNumbersConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the list account codes administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_PhoneNumbersConfiguration).
Public propertyPositions
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer positions (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Positions).
Public propertyProblemReporterConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the problem reporter configuration administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_ProblemReporterConfiguration).
Public propertyQueueControlColumns
Provides access to the property representing the QueueControlColumns administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_QueueControlColumns).
Public propertyReportLogs
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer report logs (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_ReportLogs).
Public propertyReports
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer reports (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Reports).
Public propertyResponseManagement
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer response management (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_ResponseManagement).
Public propertyRoles
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer Roles(use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Roles).
Public propertySalesforceCtis
Provides access to the property representing the SalesforceCtis administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SalesforceCtis).
Public propertySametimeConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the SametimeConfiguration administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SametimeConfiguration).
Public propertySchedules
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer schedules (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Schedules).
Public propertySecureInputForms
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer secure input forms (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SecureInputForms).
Public propertySelectionRuleList
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer selection rules (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SelectionRuleList).
Public propertyServerParameter
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer server parameters (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_ServerParameter).
Public propertyServersConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer server configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_ServersConfiguration).
Public propertySessionManagerServerConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the SessionManagerServerConfiguration administrative right for this user (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SessionManagerServerConfiguration).
Public propertySingleSignOnIdentityProviders
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer Single Sign On Identity Providers (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SingleSignOnIdentityProviders).
Public propertySingleSignOnSecureTokenServer
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer the Single Sign On Secure Token Server (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SingleSignOnSecureTokenServer).
Public propertySipBridge
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer Sip Bridges (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SipBridge).
Public propertySipProxyConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer SIP proxy configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SipProxyConfiguration).
Public propertySkills
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer skills (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Skills).
Public propertySmsBroker
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer SMS Broker (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SmsBroker).
Public propertySmsConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer SMS configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SmsConfiguration).
Public propertySpeechRecognitionConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer speech recognition configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SpeechRecognitionConfiguration).
Public propertyStationGroups
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer station groups (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_StationGroups).
Public propertyStations
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer stations (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Stations).
Public propertyStationTemplates
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer station templates (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_StationTemplates).
Public propertyStatusMessages
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer status messages (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_StatusMessages).
Public propertyStreamingAudioMonitorProfiles
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer streaming audio monitor profile data (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_StreamingAudioMonitorProfiles).
Public propertyStructuredParameters
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer structured parameters (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_StructuredParameters).
Public propertySystemConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer the system configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SystemConfiguration).
Public propertySystemParameters
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer system parameters (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_SystemParameters).
Public propertyUsers
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer users (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Users).
Public propertyVoiceModules
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer voice modules (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_VoiceModules).
Public propertyWebServicesConfiguration
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer Web Services configuration (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_WebServicesConfiguration).
Public propertyWebServicesParameters
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer web service parameters (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_WebServicesParameters).
Public propertyWorkgroups
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer workgroups (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_Workgroups).
Public propertyWrapUpCategories
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer wrap up categories (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_WrapUpCategories).
Public propertyWrapUpCodes
Provides access to the property representing the right to administer wrap up codes (use TPropertyEnum.AdministrativeRights_WrapUpCodes).

Collapse imageSee Also