Represents a Voicemail message within the Interaction Center system.

Namespace: ININ.IceLib.UnifiedMessaging
Assembly: ININ.IceLib.UnifiedMessaging (in ININ.IceLib.UnifiedMessaging.dll) Version: (


public class VoicemailMessage : IDisposable
Visual Basic
Public Class VoicemailMessage _
	Implements IDisposable


All VoicemailMessages are accessible through the Voicemails property of the UnifiedMessagingManager instance. The Voicemails list is not automatically kept current. It must be refreshed by calling RefreshVoicemailCache(Int32) or RefreshVoicemailCacheAsync(Int32, AsyncCompletedEventHandler, Object). In addition to referencing the entire list, code can be informed of changes to the list by subscribing to the NewVoicemail, VoicemailDeleted, and VoicemailUpdated events.

A VoicemailMessage contains various pieces of information about the voicemail itself (for example: From, To, Subject, Body), as well as a list of actual audio attachments to the voicemail. A VoicemailMessage may contain zero or more VoicemailAttachments (available from the Attachments property), each one representing some portion of audio added to the voicemail at any given time. This can include the original voicemail message, comments that have been attached and forwarded, etc.

Although this is not typical, each VoicemailAttachment may not necessarily contain audio data. It is possible for a user to attach any file they wish to a VoicemailMessage.

A VoicemailMessage can be played to a target (PlayToHandset(VoicemailAttachment, Boolean), PlayToNumber(VoicemailAttachment, String, Boolean, Boolean), PlayToStation(VoicemailAttachment, String, Boolean, Boolean)), or downloaded as a file (SaveAsFile(VoicemailAttachment, String, Boolean)) for local playback/manipulation.

Currently, VoicemailMessages may not be changed and saved.


The following example demonstrates playing back a VoicemailMessage to the logged in station's handset.
UnifiedMessagingManager manager = UnifiedMessagingManager.GetInstance(_session);
if (manager.Voicemails.Count > 0)
    VoicemailMessage msg = manager.Voicemails[0];
    if ((msg.Attachments.Count > 0) && (IsWavFileExtension(msg.Attachments[0].Name))
        msg.PlayToHandset(msg.Attachments[0], true);

Inheritance Hierarchy


Version Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 GA and beyond.
For 3.0, supported for IC Server version 3.0 GA and beyond.

See Also