The UserAccessListsSettings type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageConstructors

Public methodUserAccessListsSettings
Initializes a new instance of the UserAccessListsSettings class for the current session user.

Collapse imageMethods

Public methodChangeWatchedAttributes
Changes what attributes of the UserSettings are being watch.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodChangeWatchedAttributesAsync
Asynchronously changes what attributes of the UserSettings are being watch.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Protected methodFinalize
Allows an Object to attempt to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before the Object is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetAttributeAsBool
Gets boolean value for the named attribute. A trueTruetruetrue (True in Visual Basic) boolean attribute has a string value. of "Yes".
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodGetAttributeAsString
Gets the values for the named attribute.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodGetAttributeAsStrings
Gets the string values for the named attribute.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodIsWatching()()()()
Determines whether a watch is active.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodIsWatching(String)
Determines whether a watch is active and if the specified value is being watched.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Protected methodMemberwiseClone
Creates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodSetAttributeFromBool
Sets attribute value and propagates the changes.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodSetAttributeFromBoolAsync
Asynchronously sets attribute value and propagates the changes.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodSetAttributeFromString
Sets the attribute value and propagates the changes.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodSetAttributeFromStringAsync
Asynchronously sets the attribute value and propagates the changes.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodSetAttributeFromStrings
Sets attribute value based on strings and propagates the changes.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodSetAttributeFromStringsAsync
Asynchronously sets attribute value based on strings and propagates the changes.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodStartWatching
Starts watching the specified attributeNames for these UserSettings.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodStartWatchingAsync
Asynchronously starts watching the specified attributeNames for these UserSettings.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodStopWatching
Stops watching user settings.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodStopWatchingAsync
Asynchronously stops watching user settings.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)
Public methodToString
Returns a String that represents the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAccountCodesList
Gets the AccountCodesList access control list. This list value is a ReadOnlyCollection<(Of <(<'T>)>)> of account codes that this user can use.
Public propertyActivateSelfList
Gets the ActivateSelfList access control list of queues this user can activate.
Public propertyActivateUser
Gets the ActivateUser access control list.
Public propertyChangeUserStatus
Gets the ChangeUserStatus access control list.
Public propertyClientButtonsList
Gets the ClientButtonsList access control list of call control buttons this user can configure.
Public propertyCoachLineQueue
Gets the CoachLineQueue access control list.
Public propertyCoachStationQueue
Gets the CoachStationQueue access control list.
Public propertyCoachUserQueue
Gets the CoachUserQueue access control list.
Public propertyCoachWorkgroupQueue
Gets the CoachWorkgroupQueue access control list.
Public propertyDisconnectLineQueue
Gets the DisconnectLineQueue access control list.
Public propertyDisconnectStationQueue
Gets the DisconnectStationQueue access control list.
Public propertyDisconnectUserQueue
Gets the DisconnectUserQueue access control list.
Public propertyDisconnectWorkgroupQueue
Gets the DisconnectWorkgroupQueue access control list.
Public propertyJoinLineQueue
Gets the JoinLineQueue access control list.
Public propertyJoinStationQueue
Gets the JoinStationQueue access control list.
Public propertyJoinUserQueue
Gets the JoinUserQueue access control list.
Public propertyJoinWorkgroupQueue
Gets the JoinWorkgroupQueue access control list.
Public propertyListenLineQueue
Gets the ListenLineQueue access control list.
Public propertyListenStationQueue
Gets the ListenStationQueue access control list.
Public propertyListenUserQueue
Gets the ListenUserQueue access control list.
Public propertyListenWorkgroupQueue
Gets the ListenWorkgroupQueue access control list.
Public propertyLoginStations
Gets the LoginStations access control list.
Public propertyModifyLineQueueList Obsolete.
Gets the ModifyLineQueueList access control list of line queues that this user can modify.
Public propertyModifyStationGroups
Gets the ModifyStationGroups access control list.
Public propertyModifyStationQueueList Obsolete.
Gets the ModifyStationQueueList access control list of station queues that this user can modify.
Public propertyModifyUserQueueList Obsolete.
Gets the ModifyUserQueueList access control list of user queues that can be modified by this user to make changes to other users' status, pick up calls, and so on.
Public propertyModifyWorkgroupQueueList Obsolete.
Gets the ModifyWorkgroupQueueList access control list of workgroup queues that can be modified. From these queues the user can pick up, transfer from, etc.
Public propertyOptimizerCreateAgentConstraints
Gets the OptimizerCreateAgentConstraints access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerCreateAgentGroupsSUList
Gets the OptimizerCreateAgentGroups access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerCreateForecasts
Gets the OptimizerCreateForecasts access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerCreateSchedules
Gets the OptimizerCreateSchedules access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerCreateShiftRotations
Gets the OptimizerCreateShiftRotations access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerCreateShifts
Gets the OptimizerCreateShifts access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerCreateTimeOffRequests
Gets the OptimizerCreateTimeOffRequests access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerDeleteAgentConstraints
Gets the OptimizerDeleteAgentConstraints access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerDeleteAgentGroups
Gets the OptimizerDeleteAgentGroups access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerDeleteForecasts
Gets the OptimizerDeleteForecasts access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerDeleteSchedules
Gets the OptimizerDeleteSchedules access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerDeleteShiftRotations
Gets the OptimizerDeleteShiftRotations access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerDeleteShifts
Gets the OptimizerDeleteShifts access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerDeleteTimeOffRequests
Gets the OptimizerDeleteTimeOffRequests access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerModifyAgentConstraints
Gets the OptimizerModifyAgentConstraints access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerModifyAgentGroups
Gets the OptimizerModifyAgentGroups access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerModifyForecasts
Gets the OptimizerModifyForecasts access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerModifyRealTimeAdherence
Gets the OptimizerModifyRealTimeAdherence access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerModifySchedules
Gets the OptimizerModifySchedules access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerModifySchedulingUnitConfiguration
Gets the OptimizerModifySchedulingUnitConfiguration access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerModifyShiftRotations
Gets the OptimizerModifyShiftRotations access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerModifyShifts
Gets the OptimizerModifyShifts access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerModifyShiftTrading
Gets the OptimizerModifyShiftTrading access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerModifyTimeOffRequests
Gets the OptimizerModifyTimeOffRequests access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerSchedulingUnitsList Obsolete.
Gets the OptimizerSchedulingUnitsList access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerSchedulingUnitsModifyViewAll
Gets the OptimizerSchedulingUnitsModifyViewAll access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerViewAgentConstraints
Gets the OptimizerViewAgentConstraints access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerViewAgentGroups
Gets the OptimizerViewAgentGroups access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerViewForecasts
Gets the OptimizerViewForecasts access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerViewIntradayMonitoring
Gets the OptimizerViewIntradayMonitoring access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerViewRealTimeAdherence
Gets the OptimizerViewRealTimeAdherence access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerViewSchedulePreferences
Gets the OptimizerViewSchedulePreferences access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerViewSchedules
Gets the OptimizerViewSchedules access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerViewSchedulingUnitConfiguration
Gets the OptimizerViewSchedulingUnitConfiguration access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerViewShiftRotations
Gets the OptimizerViewShiftRotations access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerViewShifts
Gets the OptimizerViewShifts access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerViewShiftTrading
Gets the OptimizerViewShiftTrading access control list.
Public propertyOptimizerViewTimeOffRequests
Gets the OptimizerViewTimeOffRequests access control list.
Public propertyPhoneNumberClassificationFollowMeList
Gets the PhoneNumberClassificationList access control list of dial plan phone number classifications that this user can use as follow-me numbers.
Public propertyPhoneNumberClassificationForwardList
Gets the PhoneNumberClassificationForwardList access control list of dial plan phone number classifications this user can forward calls to.
Public propertyPhoneNumberClassificationList
Gets the PhoneNumberClassificationList access control list of dial plan phone number classifications that this user can use.
Public propertyPickupLineQueue
Gets the PickupLineQueue access control list.
Public propertyPickupStationQueue
Gets the PickupStationQueue access control list.
Public propertyPickupUserQueue
Gets the PickupUserQueue access control list.
Public propertyPickupWorkgroupQueue
Gets the PickupWorkgroupQueue access control list.
Public propertyPreviewEmailUserQueue
Gets the PreviewEmailUserQueue access control list.
Public propertyPreviewEmailWorkgroupQueue
Gets the PreviewEmailWorkgroupQueue access control list.
Public propertyRecordLineQueue
Gets the RecordLineQueue access control list.
Public propertyRecordStationQueue
Gets the RecordStationQueue access control list.
Public propertyRecordUserQueue
Gets the RecordUserQueue access control list.
Public propertyRecordWorkgroupQueue
Gets the RecordWorkgroupQueue access control list.
Public propertySnipLineQueue
Gets the SnipLineQueue access control list.
Public propertySnipStationQueue
Gets the SnipStationQueue access control list.
Public propertySnipUserQueue
Gets the SnipUserQueue access control list.
Public propertySnipWorkgroupQueue
Gets the SnipWorkgroupQueue access control list.
Public propertyStatusMessageList
Gets the StatusMessages access control list of all status messages that the user can see.
Public propertyTransferLineQueue
Gets the TransferLineQueue access control list.
Public propertyTransferStationQueue
Gets the TransferStationQueue access control list.
Public propertyTransferUserQueue
Gets the TransferUserQueue access control list.
Public propertyTransferWorkgroupQueue
Gets the TransferWorkgroupQueue access control list.
Public propertyViewAttendantProfilesInSearch
Gets the ViewAttendantProfilesInSearch access control list.
Public propertyViewGeneralDirectories
Gets the ViewGeneralDirectories access control list.
Public propertyViewIndividualStats
Gets the ViewIndividualStats access control list.
Public propertyViewInSearchStationQueue
Gets the ViewInSearchStationQueue access control list.
Public propertyViewInSearchWorkgroupQueue
Gets the ViewInSearchWorkgroupQueue access control list.
Public propertyViewLineQueueList
Gets the ViewLineQueueList access control list of line queues that this user can view but not modify.
Public propertyViewStationGroups
Gets the ViewStationGroups access control list.
Public propertyViewStationQueueList
Gets the ViewStationQueueList access control list of station queues that this user can view but not modify.
Public propertyViewStatusColumns
Gets the ViewStatusColumns access control list.
Public propertyViewUserQueueList
Gets the ViewUserQueueList access control list of user queues that this user can view but not modify.
Public propertyViewWorkgroupList
Gets the ViewWorkgroupList access control list of workgroups that this user can view but not modify.
Public propertyViewWorkgroupQueueList
Gets the ViewWorkgroupQueueList access control list of workgroup queues that this user can view but not modify.
Public propertyViewWorkgroupStatistics
Gets the ViewWorkgroupStatistics access control list.

Collapse imageEvents

Public eventWatchedAttributesChanged
Occurs when one of the watched attribute values has been changed.
(Inherited from UserSettings.)

Collapse imageSee Also