The UserLicenseProperties type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAdditionalLicenses
Provides access to the property representing the additional licenses for this user (use Property.License_AdditionalLicenses).
Public propertyHasClientAccess
Provides access to the property representing client access for this user (use Property.License_HasClientAccess).
Public propertyInteractionProcessAutomationLicenseType
Provides access to the property representing the Interaction Process Automation license type for this user (use Property.License_InteractionProcessAutomationType).
Public propertyLicenseActive
Provides access to the property representing the license activation for this user (use Property.License_LicenseActive).
Public propertyLicenseAllocationType
Provides access to the property representing the license allocation type for this user (use Property.License_AllocationType).
Public propertyMediaLevel
Provides access to the property representing the media level for this user (use Property.License_MediaLevel).
Public propertyMediaTypes
Provides access to the property representing the media types for this user (use Property.License_MediaTypes).

Collapse imageSee Also