Contains configuration and administration settings for an IC Accumulator. Accumulators are like global variables that hold a value outside of a handler. Accumulator tools within handlers can assign, increment, and retrieve the values stored in these accumulators. Before a tool in a handler can set the value of an accumulator, the accumulator must be defined in Interaction Administrator.

Namespace: ININ.IceLib.Configuration
Assembly: ININ.IceLib.Configuration (in ININ.IceLib.Configuration.dll) Version: (

Collapse imageSyntax

public class AccumulatorConfiguration : ListConfigurationObject
Visual Basic
Public Class AccumulatorConfiguration _
	Inherits ListConfigurationObject

Collapse imageInheritance Hierarchy


Collapse imageVersion Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 GA and beyond.

Collapse imageSee Also