Issues a synchronous request to send a Fax.

Namespace: ININ.IceLib.UnifiedMessaging
Assembly: ININ.IceLib.UnifiedMessaging (in ININ.IceLib.UnifiedMessaging.dll) Version: (

Collapse imageSyntax

public FaxResult SendFax(
	string fileName
Visual Basic
Public Function SendFax ( _
	fileName As String _
) As FaxResult


Type: System..::..String
The file name of the Fax to send.

Return Value

A FaxResult object with the results of the SendFax method.

Collapse imageRemarks

Use the FaxFile class to create a .TIF or .i3f formatted Fax file in the file system before sending.

Most fax terminals can't handle widths larger than 1728 pixels. If the width of the Image will exceed 1728 pixels, it is recommended to store the image in portrait orientation and set the FaxPageAttributes instance to indicate that the image has been rotated.
This can also be handled by specifying FitToPage when adding or updating pages. This will cause the image to be scaled to fit on the page. If FitToPage is not specified, no resizing will be done and the image will be cropped.

Collapse imageExceptions

System..::..ArgumentExceptionIf a fileName of length zero.
System..::..ArgumentNullExceptionA parameter is nullNothingnullptra null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).
ININ.IceLib.Connection..::..RequestTimeoutExceptionThe request timed out while waiting for a response.
ININ.IceLib.Connection..::..SessionDisconnectedExceptionThe Session does not have a valid connection.
System..::..ObjectDisposedExceptionThe Session has been disposed.
ININ.IceLib.Connection..::..RequestTimeoutExceptionThe request timed out while waiting for a response.
ININ.IceLib.Connection..::..SessionDisconnectedExceptionThe Session does not have a valid connection.
System..::..ObjectDisposedExceptionThe Session has been disposed.

Collapse imageVersion Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 GA and beyond.
For 3.0, supported for IC Server version 3.0 GA and beyond.

Collapse imageSee Also