The LookupParameters type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyColumnsToMatch
Gets or sets the columns to match with the LookupString, using the specified ComparisonType.
Public propertyComparisonType
Gets or sets the comparison type.
Public propertyDirectoriesToSearch
Gets or sets the directories to search.
Public propertyIncludeUsersExcludedFromCompanyDirectory
Gets or sets a boolean indicating whether to include users that are not shown on the company directory.
Public propertyLookupString
Gets or sets the lookup string.
Public propertyMaxEntries
Gets or sets the Lookup Entries that matched the lookup operation GetLookupEntries and GetLookupEntries or the corresponding asynchronous variants GetLookupEntriesAsync and GetLookupEntriesAsync.

Collapse imageSee Also