The MultipartAccountCodeExtended type exposes the following members.

Collapse imageProperties

Public propertyAccountCode
Gets or sets the account code.
Public propertyDescription1
Gets or sets description 1.
Public propertyDescription2
Gets or sets description 2.
Public propertyDescription3
Gets or sets description 3.
Public propertyDispositionCode
Gets or sets the disposition code.
Public propertyDispositionDescription
Gets or sets the Disposition description.
Public propertyExternalIndividualCity
Gets or sets the external Individual City.
Public propertyExternalIndividualCountry
Gets or sets the external Individual Country.
Public propertyExternalIndividualFirstName
Gets or sets the external Individual first name.
Public propertyExternalIndividualId
Gets or sets the Individual ID of the external Individual.
Public propertyExternalIndividualLastName
Gets or sets the external Individual last name.
Public propertyExternalIndividualMiddleName
Gets or sets the external Individual middle name.
Public propertyExternalIndividualOrganizationCity
Gets or sets the external Individual Organization City.
Public propertyExternalIndividualOrganizationCountry
Gets or sets the external Individual Organization Country.
Public propertyExternalIndividualOrganizationDefaultInteractionAddress
Gets or sets the default InteractionAddress for the external Individual's Organization.
Public propertyExternalIndividualOrganizationName
Gets or sets the external Individual Organization name.
Public propertyExternalIndividualOrganizationState
Gets or sets the external Individual Organization State.
Public propertyExternalIndividualOrganizationStreetAddress
Gets or sets the external Individual Organization street address.
Public propertyExternalIndividualOrganizationZip
Gets or sets the external Individual Organization Zip code.
Public propertyExternalIndividualState
Gets or sets the external Individual State.
Public propertyExternalIndividualStreetAddress
Gets or sets the external Individual street address.
Public propertyExternalIndividualZip
Gets or sets the external Individual Zip code.
Public propertyInternalIndividualCity
Gets or sets the internal Individual City.
Public propertyInternalIndividualCountry
Gets or sets the internal Individual Country.
Public propertyInternalIndividualFirstName
Gets or sets the internal Individual first name.
Public propertyInternalIndividualId
Gets or sets the Individual ID of the internal Individual.
Public propertyInternalIndividualLastName
Gets or sets the internal Individual last name.
Public propertyInternalIndividualMiddleName
Gets or sets the internal Individual middle name.
Public propertyInternalIndividualOrganizationCity
Gets or sets the internal Individual Organization City.
Public propertyInternalIndividualOrganizationCountry
Gets or sets the internal Individual Organization Country.
Public propertyInternalIndividualOrganizationDefaultInteractionAddress
Gets or sets the default InteractionAddress for the internal Individual's Organization.
Public propertyInternalIndividualOrganizationName
Gets or sets the internal Individual Organization name.
Public propertyInternalIndividualOrganizationState
Gets or sets the internal Individual Organization State.
Public propertyInternalIndividualOrganizationStreetAddress
Gets or sets the internal Individual Organization street address.
Public propertyInternalIndividualOrganizationZip
Gets or sets the internal Individual Organization Zip code.
Public propertyInternalIndividualState
Gets or sets the internal Individual State.
Public propertyInternalIndividualStreetAddress
Gets or sets the internal Individual street address.
Public propertyInternalIndividualZip
Gets or sets the internal Individual Zip code.
Public propertyUserCode1
Gets or sets user code 1.
Public propertyUserCode2
Gets or sets user code 2.
Public propertyUserCode3
Gets or sets user code 3.
Public propertyWorkItemCodeDescription
Gets or sets the WorkItem code description.
Public propertyWorkItemCodeId
Gets or sets the WorkItem code ID.

Collapse imageSee Also