Passed to a Session in order to specify a remote number connection.

Namespace: ININ.IceLib.Connection
Assembly: ININ.IceLib (in ININ.IceLib.dll) Version: (

Collapse imageSyntax

public class RemoteNumberSettings : StationSettings
Visual Basic
Public Class RemoteNumberSettings _
	Inherits StationSettings

Collapse imageRemarks

The RemoteNumberSettings object is used to specify dynamic remote workstation settings. This establishes a Session via a remote phone number, but not associated with a particular IC station.

Collapse imageExamples

The following example shows how to create a connection to the IC server:
// The IceLib Session can be created once and used for the life of the process.
Session session = new Session();
// An event handler is usually added to monitor connection state changes.
session.ConnectionStateChanged += delegate { /* React to connection state changes. */ };

// The application name can be displayed in Interaction Supervisor and is used for diagnostic operations.
SessionSettings sessionSettings = new SessionSettings();
sessionSettings.ApplicationName = "<Custom Application Name>";

// Specify the server being connected to (which is usually the IC server name).
// (It can also be a DNS "A" record that refers to both IC servers in a switchover pair.)
HostEndpoint hostEndpoint = new HostEndpoint("<IC Server Name>");
HostSettings hostSettings = new HostSettings(hostEndpoint);

// There are many options for specifying user authentication information.
// (See the derived classes of ININ.IceLib.Connection.AuthSettings for more information.)
// The current windows user's windows authentication can be used (if the IC user is configured with NT credentials).
WindowsAuthSettings authSettings = new WindowsAuthSettings();
// Alternatively, IC authentication can be used.
ICAuthSettings icAuthSettings = new ICAuthSettings("<IC_User_LoginID>", "<IC_User_Password>");

// There are many options for specifying IC station information.
// (See the derived classes of ININ.IceLib.Connection.StationSettings for more information.)
// If the application does not require a Station login, a simple "stationless" connection can be used.
StationlessSettings stationSettings = new StationlessSettings();
// Alternatively, an IC station could be specified.
WorkstationSettings workstationSettings = new WorkstationSettings("<IC_StationID>", SupportedMedia.Call);
// Or, a dynamic remote number station could be specified.
RemoteNumberSettings remoteNumberSettings = new RemoteNumberSettings(SupportedMedia.Call, "555-555-5555", true);

// Note: Consider using the ConnectAsync method to avoid blocking the thread.
session.Connect(sessionSettings, hostSettings, authSettings, stationSettings);

Collapse imageExamples

The IceLib SDK includes example application references to the RemoteNumberSettings class. Some examples are listed below.
TutorialExampleLoginStationViewModel.cs, line 83, in LoginStationViewModel.#ctor
LoginStationViewModel.cs, line 117, in LoginStationViewModel.CreateStationSettings

Collapse imageInheritance Hierarchy


Collapse imageVersion Information

Supported for IC Server version 2015 R1 and beyond.
For 4.0, supported for IC Server version 4.0 GA and beyond.
For 3.0, supported for IC Server version 3.0 GA and beyond.

Collapse imageSee Also